1. Disagreement

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Prince Eske Ahlveyr of Ehvera thought himself a reasonable fellow. Though the occasional complaint could be sent his way, he had a decent track record regarding his counsel. As brother of the king, he took on the position of adviser, foregoing additional duties onlookers believed he had. Nowhere did it state that he must marry, nor must he parade himself throughout the kingdom like a prized catch. His people may scold his preferred way of handling himself, yet his judgment held a sound reputation.

Knowing his political guidance proved apt, Eske found himself vexed at the decision the king made. This matter of concern was not a minor issue or a simple dispute. On the contrary, Eske and their sister, Ollyah, along with the majority of the noblemen on the council, disagreed with the brash decisions. Yet, despite this clear disapproval—one normally trusted again and again—King Bohjin went ahead with his idiocy.

The prince strode through the corridors of his castle, quick steps echoing around him. His long, white hair was pulled back out of the way in his usual braid. Contrasting his skin and hair, he wore long, modest black robes and trousers specifically made for his lean frame. Around his neck was the ever-present family gem: the Tear of Jule. It glowed a faint blue, standing out on his clothed chest.

Eske forced his way into the throne room, ignoring the pair of guards that made way to question his intentions. The prince merely looked at them before proceeding through, expression stoic as he marched straight up to the man sitting on the throne.

Bohjin Ahlveyr took after their father. The King's hair was dark, slight waves draped freely just past his shoulders. His shoulders were broad, skin fair. Where his brother had long, slim legs, Bohjin had more to boast with his upper body. His robes were ample, as was custom in Ehvera. Blue and violet adorned his clothing, the colors of their kingdom. The crown on his head was fashioned from gold, an opal resting in the center.

Ignoring the audience surrounding them in the form of guards, as well as the nobleman holding the King's attention, Eske crossed the room.

"Brother, explain your foolish acts," Eske demanded, stopping just short of the raised dais, upon which perched two thrones. The empty one belonged to the queen, whose absence the young prince noted, but chose not to comment on.

Bohjin frowned, looking down at his younger brother. Beside the throne, the old nobleman stepped away, wary glance flickering between the brothers. Though 25, only two years Eske's senior, Bohjin's behavior spoke of maturity closer to that of the old man. With a deep sigh, the king shifted in his seat, hands on the armrests. A soft look to the nobleman, Bohjin said "My apologies, Lord Vonjin. If you would excuse my brother's interruption."

Already stepping down the dais, Lord Vonjin gave a quick bow. "Of course, Your Majesty."

He had not yet left the room before Eske spoke again. "Well?"

Straightening in his throne, Bohjin answered his brother. "'Foolish' is quite a subjective word."

"Yet, you know of the situation to which I refer." It was not a question, and Bohjin could probably hear the obvious blame and accusations ready to leap out of Eske's mouth.

Not one to drag out the inevitable, Bohjin remained calm as he nodded. "I believe you are referring to the invitation I have extended. Am I correct?"

Eske clicked his tongue. "Must I point out the plethora of reasons for why you should have listened to our sister and me?"

"I have no doubt I've heard them all already." Before Eske could retort, Bohjin continued. "My decision to invite Fumari's King to the Unity Festival will not be without its consequences, of that I am aware. However, as I've reminded you time and time again, the benefits will be worth it."

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