5. First Day

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It was later in the day when Bohjin invited his guests for tea. He had taken a moment to himself, allowing the same for the others, before getting to work. Everything he did that led up to this moment was calculated, but not entirely by him. His trust in the one who did plan this waned, as it always did when he tried to envision a decent partnership with anyone. Upon meeting the Fumarians, however, Bohjin went from aggravated to hopeful. This setback came with pleasant accompaniment.

Both Fumarian brothers carried peaceful auras. Being able to see such aspects of a person's soul was a gift Bohjin enjoyed since birth. The colors shifting around a person gave way to truth, and not once had it been wrong. All fault for his interpretation of it fell on himself.

He would not make that mistake again.

Bohjin ushered the brothers to a balcony on the eastern side of the castle. A table with a few chairs were already laid out, welcoming them to a beautiful afternoon. One of the servants would come with tea in a minute, giving the trio a moment to situate themselves.

Gesturing for his guests to take a seat first, Bohjin threw on the smile he was known for. "I do apologize for my aggressive behavior earlier."

Yras looked ready to wave it off, but Yzuan accepted the apology with a curt nod. "Your reaction is understandable. I am so sorry King Azak could not join you. Your invitation is most appreciated."

It better be, Bohjin thought. I'm risking my family for this.

Out loud, he kept his composure that of a welcoming host. "No matter. It is good to see the two of you again, so this is not a terrible outcome."

"Likewise," Yzuan said with a friendly nod. They were around the same age, Bohjin and Yras both 25 with Yzuan 28. It had made sense, back when Bohjin was a child in his father's shadow during their one and only trip to Fumari, for the young prince to enjoy the presence of nobility with similar maturity. Orschon had always hoped for lasting friendships among them.

It was one of the pulls leading Bohjin to continuing this game.

The tea was served, a black with rose petals to add a sweet aroma. A moment of silence passed as three cups were poured, before the servant bowed and was dismissed.

"How have you faired since we last met?" Bohjin asked, letting his tea cool. Yras did not bother with waiting, already taking sips with glee.

"Overall," Yzuan began, "it has been swell."

Yras snorted, lowering his cup and resting it on the table. After a scornful look from his brother, Yras cleared his throat, looking over the balcony and not clarifying what he thought so funny.

Bohjin took note of it nonetheless, observing the orange flickers of light humor that came with it.

"Good to hear. Fortunately for your stay here, the weather in Ehvera is wonderful this time of the year."

Oddly enough, Yras looked disappointed at that. Still, he kept his attention on the distant mountains, though the downward pull of his lips gave away true thoughts just as his orange colors faded to a darker yellow.

Yzuan appeared to be ignoring his younger brother. "All things considered, this sounds like a lovely visit. Just to check, we have a week before the festival is to take place, correct?"

"Correct. Your rooms will be attended to for the duration of the week, the same going for your travel companions. I must apologize forthright for my inevitable absence during the week, though I will attempt to meet with you both when I can."

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