Dealing with the devil (in disguise)

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//character death

The golden sunlight spilled through the cracked-open blind, softly illuminating the room as it poured in. The birds were happily chirping outside, and the temperature was simply perfect. The air was cool, and the quick breezes were enough to be refreshing. It was, truly, a beautiful day...

How dare it.

Monty grimaced at the natural light, swiftly pulling down his blinds and burying himself back into the secure nest of blankets which he had made himself. The day was shining, but he was far from it. He didn't want to get out of bed today - he couldn't get out of bed today - but, after a small debate between his logic and his emotions, he begrudgingly rolled to the edge of the bed, to stand up. Or, he would have, if he hadn't rolled slightly too far, and landed on the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

Picking himself back up with a groan, Monty somewhat stretched, trudging over to his closet and swinging the door open forcefully; he was surprised that it didn't fly off of its hinges. Carelessly, he rummaged through the pile of unfolded clothes which he kept in the corner, occasionally chucking something backwards. Once he was satisfied, he slammed his closet shut and turned on his heel, to properly look at what he had strewn about on his pile of blankets. Two mismatched socks; a pair of decent, faded blue jeans; a white top with the words 'everybody wants to rule the world' embroidered onto it; a medium-green plaid jacket; and a black beanie. That was, actually alright.

After getting changed, Monty spared a glance at the calendar, making sure that he had the right date; he did, which was a good start. Checking his watch, he reluctantly trudged down the stairs, sloppily tying the laces on his Converse and making the best of a bad job. His eyes shifted to his sister, who had been watching from the doorway to the kitchen, holding a granola bar out to him. He took it.

"Thanks," Monty grumbled, unwrapping the bar, "If mom asks, I ate breakfast."

"Yeah, yeah, no problem dipshit." was the only response he got. Monty took a few bites of the bar, before deciding that he could finish it on the bus ride to school. Nodding a "farewell" to his sister, he slung his satchel over his shoulder, and left, walking at a leisurely pace to the bus stop.

The bus ride there was no less hectic than usual. Kids screaming and shouting; small groups of mostly girls, gossiping about hoes they don't know; two boys at the back, deciding to lick the windows. Monty was stuck next to this Jerome kid, who he thought that he remembered from his old school. He brushed it off, though; he wasn't sure. He wasn't the kind to remember names, let alone faces. People walked up to him, did business with him, he got money, they got what they wanted. Friends are overrated anyway.

Monty wasn't the least bit disappointed when Jerome stood and moved to the back, shouting in greeting to the other "jock" kids.

Of course not.

Instead, Monty rummaged through his bag, finding a well-worn notebook and flicking through it, smoothing down the next clean page. All of this time on his hands could be put to good use, as he began to write down equations, occasionally cross-referencing an earlier page, with yet again more scribbled equations.

The bus screeched to a halt, making Monty glance up, and put away his notebook. He felt slightly better; mathematics and equations usually helped take his mind off of things, even if the equations themselves were mostly meaningless. Waiting for everyone else to pass, and stop blocking the goddamn aisle, Monty glanced around at some of the faces he vaguely remembered.

Ah, right. The girl in pink. Cindy, was it? Monty cast a playful glare at her, which she retaliated with a middle finger, before going back to gossiping with her cliche. Cindy had always hated Monty, for the pure reason that, he was never interested in her. Boys would usually swoon over her very glance, and she hated that Monty was "immune" to her charm. He rolled his eyes and carried on looking down.

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