Sweet dreams

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"Please. Ozzy deserves someone much better than you." Felix scoffed, rolling his eyes at his twin brother. Teddy huffed in annoyance, crossing his arms.

"I've liked him for longer!" He retaliated, watching as Felix's expression morphed into aggravation, rather than the smugness he usually wore.

"You don't even have the courage to talk to him, Teddy!" Felix commented, his tone sharpening. It was common to find the Huxley twins arguing by the handicap ramp after school, so most - if not, all - of the other children had left for their homes at this point.

At that moment, Teddy's gaze shifted from his brother to the small gathering of trees behind him. Confused, Felix also turned around to see, before a look of realisation dawned on his face. There, sat on a bench nestled between the trees, was Ozzy.

"I could go and talk to him! I could go right now, if I wanted to!" Exclaimed Teddy, focusing back on Felix.

"Prove it."

Teddy blinked in surprise a few times: no way could he actually go and talk to the cute redhead. But, in his desperation to prove himself to his brother, he simply nodded with a face of confidence which he didn't have, and began to walk towards his crush.

After countless mental reassurances that he would be fine, Teddy mustered the courage to sit next to Ozzy timidly. Looking over at the other, Teddy noticed the glimmering tear stains down his cheeks, and his bloodshot eyes which he could barely keep open. He had been crying?

"Ozzy..?" Teddy asked cautiously, seeing the kid in question tense slightly, "Are you okay?"

It was a stupid question - of course he wasn't okay! - but it seemed to get his point across as Ozzy lifted his head and looked at Teddy with something that resembled hopelessness, sniffing.

"I-I'm..." Ozzy began, before dropping his defensive attitude and choking out a small sob, "I'm... not that g-great..."

His voice was softer than usual, and it made Teddy's heart completely melt, even when Ozzy let out another small sob. Now was the time to be comforting his classmate, not fawning over his every word.

"Do you... Do you want to talk about it?" Teddy inched closer and placed a hand on Ozzy's, noticing how he relaxed slightly at the touch. When was the last time he made physical contact with someone?, Ted wondered.

"I... My mum has been working later and later recently, and she's getting ill. My dad is in the navy, so I have to take care of myself, and most days have to help my mum too, especially when she arrives home drunk... It-" Ozzy took a deep breath, not noticing the empathetic expression on Teddy's face, "I-I've just been really stressed lately... And, with no-one to talk about it with me..." His words fizzled out and died on his tongue.

Teddy nodded in an understanding way, inching closer once again. He had been listening so intently to Ozzy, he hadn't even noticed that Felix had also walked over, sitting on the other side of the redhead. While searching for the words to comfort Ozzy, Teddy heard Felix speak:

"How much sleep are you getting, Ozzy?"

Teddy blinked, wondering why Felix would ask that, until he noticed the dark bags underneath Ozzy's eyes, and how his eyelids were even heavier than before. Ozzy attempted what he assumed was meant to be a shrug, but only had the strength for a small lift.

"I-I don't have time to sleep." Ozzy stuttered quietly, obviously ashamed of it. The brothers exchanged a glance, before both inching closer.

"You need sleep, Oz." Teddy spoke softly, giving what he hoped was a caring smile, "Why don't you fall asleep here for a while?"

Ozzy's eyes widened at the offer, looking between the two twins, barely able to believe his ears.

"Y-You would do that..? I-I don't want t-to burden you g-guys..." He stumbled through the sentences, still unable to contain his shock. The two nodded as if it were obvious.

Ozzy gave a small, hesitant nod, before pulling his legs up from the floor and curling into a ball. Resting his head in his arms, he fidgeted slightly, before settling and finally letting his eyes flutter shut. Teddy silently 'awwh'ed, and Felix smiled fondly at the sight.

"I love... you both... Thank you." Ozzy muttered, his breathing slowing, and his shoulders visibly relaxing. Felix and Teddy simply exchanged looks of shocked joy, as the redhead fell into a dreamless sleep.

They had plenty to talk about later. For now, though, they needed to protect Ozzy.

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