The elven captain seemed shocked at the news.  "The ... firstborn? The son of Lord Thranduil and Lady Calenduin? It is not possible ... it would be completely contrary to our laws."

"Yes. Many things are still not clear to me about my future, but this is a certainty. The King intends to pass the full powers to me."  repeated Haldir.  "Stay close to me, Hazel. I need a friend. Be to me what Feren has always been to my father."

"I have a family ... I mean, I'm going to build it. Nim is waiting for a child. If I let you go away from here, and if you were injured, or killed, my head would end up on a silver platter.  I will risk much more than my job in the army. "  the captain finally revealed.  "I can pretend not to have seen you, Prince Haldir. But don't ask me to come with you."

"I didn't know Nim was pregnant. My congratulations."  Haldir told him, with one of his wonderful smiles.  "I understand your fears. All right then. Stay here ... or follow my father when he orders the counterattack to begin. And pretend that this conversation never took place."

Having said that, Haldir Thranduilion ran away, heading for one of the countless secret exits of that realm.

Hazel barely had time to sigh when he was joined by an Elf in uniform.  "Captain ... news has arrived from the South: Varian and his archers have been hit. He has fallen. One hundred and fifty of our soldiers have been killed by the arrows of the Orcs. They too are armed. Our soldiers over there need reinforcements, it's our turn."  the Elf said excitedly.

"Yes. I know. Give order to our company to prepare."  Hazel commanded. 

He thought of Nim.

"... Captain ... forgive me ... what were you saying to Prince Haldir?"  the Elf soldier wanted to know.

"Nothing of your concern. The prince is going back to his quarters, you must alert the Caranthir company, quick!"  Hazel urged him again.

"... but ... his rooms are on the other side of the ..." the soldier dared point out.

"Meneldor! I gave you an order!" Hazel interrupted him.  "Go, then!"

Then his thoughts returned to his wife.

Nim, do you remember that evening in April, many years ago, when I saw you walking on the Great Bridge and I joined you and we started talking under the starry sky? Oh, I so wish I could go back there with you. I wish this war ended fast.

In ten months he would become a father.  The more he reflected on it, the more he felt the anguish rising in him.

The irrepressible joy that he and Nim had felt at the discovery of pregnancy had given way to darker thoughts in those hours.

Sauron had abruptly awakened and the peace of Middle-earth had been broken.  Just the worst time to start a family.  Their territory was under attack, and despite the boldness of King Thranduil, there were great chances that the Orcs could win.

Prince Haldir would have become the new King of Greenwood, perhaps in ten, hundred, thousand years.  It would have been smarter to follow him, join him in the war and earn a respectable place in the army.  But...would there still be a realm to live in? Within a day the whole continent could have fallen under the two ancient demons, Morgoth and his subordinate Sauron.

He thought of his family again.  His sweet Nim was the most beautiful thing he had ever had and he couldn't wait to hold his son, or daughter, in his arms.

I beg you, Valar, let my child grow up free.  And with a father.


The air was cold.

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