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Isabella pov

Its been two weeks now and Xavier hasn't come back to the hospital to see me. He keeps sending people too drop of a few things I might need but he is a no show. Ever since I told him that I dont love my daughter the way I should we havent spoken once.  He left without a word.

I don't know what to make of it. I didnt think he would judge me. I mean who is he too judge anyway.  He doesnt know what i went through with Mia or how my life has been. He doesnt understand and he is not trying to either.

I wont feel guilty for how i feel. I have felt this way for a very long time now and I used to feel guilty about it but now i just cant anymore. 

I was so in thought i didnt realise Xavier was in the room until he sat down.

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

"Its not like you care. You havent been in here for two days and now you all of a sudden have time to grace me with your presence. "

"Stop acting like a child. I was busy looking for your child who you dont seem to give a damn about. "

"How..?" I said and he stopped me midway.

"The world doesnt resolve around you Isabella. You have a child out there that is still missing and yet you sit here and worry about me. You were not meant to be a mother that much is clear. A mother would worry about her childs safety but you dont give a damn. "He said and walked out leaving me there in tears.

Xaviers pov

I left her room fuming. She is a selfish bitch. I cant believe her. The first thing she does is question me about not coming to see her. A good mother would have asked me if i found her daughter or not which I did.

I was coming here to tell her that me and my boys found Mia last night when we raided  Del Rios place. The bastard was there and i killed him without a second doubt.


We broke in the dusty warehouse that was pretty run down and old. They werent expecting us and that was our advantage. That bastard Jared saw us first and made a run for it.

All of his men were dead within minutes. However we left Del Rio for last.

I ran up the stairs and found Mia laying on the ground. I thought she was dead but she was just sleeping. I walked out with her and handed her to one of my man whilst i beat the shit out of Del Rio. 

"What made you think you can hurt my baby and get away with it?"

"I knew it would piss you off but it wasnt all my idea. Jared wanted his girls so we made a business deal. "

"They are not his girls. They are mine. "

"He wants your girlfriend not the baby. "

"He wont have either of them."

"She's got you wrapped around her little cunt that one. I would be careful if i were you. She is just like her mother. "He said and i froze for a minute before ignoring him and leaving him for my men to enjoy.

I walked over to my baby and took her home.

However that coward Jared ran away. We tortured the truth out of Del Rio and it turns out that it was all Jareds doing. Wait until i catch the bastard. I cant wait till i find him and then only then will my baby be safe.

I walked into our house and straight up to Mia's room. She was so happy to see me and wouldnt leave my side earlier but i had to go but now that I am back the two of us can spend time together before her mother gets realeased tomorrow.

Thinking about her left a bitter taste in my mouth. I looked down at Mia and cant believe how her motger cant love her. I mean i understand the circumstances but it wasnt Mia's fault either.

I never had a good mother so thats why i dispise woman who have no maternal instincts in their bodies but I suppose this time is different and i just need to hear her out and try to put myself in her position.

She was raped, she didnt ask for this but at the same time neither did Mia and i cant help but notice that for the past two weeks since she woke up from the hospital not once has she asked of Mia's whereabouts and that has got me worried.

I went to sleep with Mia snuggling in my arms and praying for a better tomorrow.


Hi guys

Last two chapters coming soon


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