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Xavier pov

Its been fifteen days since Bella was shot and she still hasnt woken up. Fifteen days since Mia was taken and i have been a mess.

What was meant to be a celebration ended in disaster.  I lost my princess and I might loose my queen to especially once she finds out that Mia is gone. I cant wait for her to wake up yet i dread it at the same time.

We have found out thus far that Del Rio and his men are up to it. They planned the surprise attack and not only ruined my baby's party but also fucken took her and almost killed my queen.

I have each and everyone of my men looking for Mia. We have been looking for weeks now and we are not any closer. The motherfucker is good at hiding thats for sure.

"Bella, I am so sorry. I ruined your life. Im the reason your in this damn hospital. Im the reason Mia is gone. If you ever wake up which i know you will just please dont hate me. You and Mia are all i have. I cant loose you both. I promise 'll do my best to bring back our baby." I said, kissed her on her head and left.

I got home and received news about Del Rios whereabouts. We wasted no time and arrived at the mansion. My boys and i blew the place up and killed everyone that stood in our way. They weren't expecting us and that was our advantage.

After fucking up the place we realised the coward wasn't there and neither was Mia. I was angry but had to remain calm and have hope.

I left the place and went back home. I couldn't think straight. My mind was everywhere thinking of every possible horrible thing that could happen to Mia and it made my heart hurt. What hurt me even more was the fact that I am the reason that they are in this mess.

I dragged them into my horrible life and because of that I put them both in danger. I will never forgive myself if anything happened to her.

I need to think positive. I will find Mia come hell or high waters and when I do . I will kill the man who took her from me. I need to bring her back safely. She is my baby girl and I cannot live without her. 

I walked into the bathroom and stood hnderneath the shower with the hot water on.  I stayed there for a while and than washed my body and left. I put some clothes on and left my room. I got into my car and left for the hospital.

I got there and found Isabella sitting up straight and rushed to her immediately.

"Baby.." I held her tight and cried with her in my arms.

"I am so sorry. I failed you. I failed Mia. They almost killed you and they took her. " I cried. I actually fucken cried. She just held me tight and wiped my tears.

" I know. I know she's gone and it is not your fault. We will find her. I trust you Xavier and I know you are doing everything you possibly can." I looked up to jer and kissed her.

"I dont deserve you.  You and Mia are better off without me. "

"Dont you dare say that. We love you. I love you and you are not leaving us. Ever. " she said and I just held her close to me.

"We will find her. Together. " I said  and kissed her cheek.


Hi guys

Long time. I know.

I am truly sorry.

Here is a short chapter for you.


More chapters coming soon

In the mean time please check out my new book The Mafia Leaders daughter. 1st Chapter is up now.

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