29 | You Make Everything Alright

Start from the beginning

"You have such lovely eyes, my lady. I almost feel jealous of Alvia for marrying such a beautiful woman like yourself," I hate having this kind of small talks. I have to pretend I enjoyed it.

"I'm sure your wife wouldn't be pleased if she heard that," I smiled. The duke laughs.

"Oh let her be. She only married me because our parents want us to be together. Yes we have been married for almost 30 years and yes she blessed me with six successful and amazing children I couldn't even ask for but sometimes a man needs a different kind of sight. Don't you think?" I feel his hands getting lower by the second.

"Oh don't give me that look. I'm sure you let the emperor did whatever he wants to you. What's wrong with me doing the same thing?" I ... I want to scream. His hands are directly somewhere it shouldn't be. But I don't want to ruin this ball and ruin Alvia's image.

"Relax, my little raven. If you follow what I say, no one has to know. And you should never make a scene because I'm sure you don't want to make Gralia's most important merchant be your future husband enemy, right?" He is ... blackmailing me.

I try to look around as subtle as I can be but no one seems to notice how uncomfortable I am. Why can't they see how perverted he is towards me? I mean his hand on directly on my ass for Heaven sake!

The duke gave me a sly smirk before grabbing my behind. I almost yelp when he does it again. Please! Somebody, please help me! Please!

Suddenly a hand appeared and shove the duke by the face away from me. I felt a hand wrapped around my wrist as the person twirls me towards its body. When I look up, Alvia was scowling at the duke who's now on the floor.

"What have you done to your future empress, my fiancée?!" Alvia's voiced thundered. The music stops and the people who were dancing before all wondering what had happened.

"I was doing nothing, my emperor. It was your fiancée who came at me, seducing me to do her bidding. I am the victim here, your grace," the duke keeps his head low. He's lying! That's not what happened. Alvia's hands on my shoulder tighten.

"You expect me to believe that? How dare you speak ill of my fiancée! You scoundrel!" Alvia's voice thundered yet again. This time the former emperor together with his wife went to our side to know what exactly happened.

I want to speak up, but my voice ... it's gone. My mind keeps on repeating the words that he told me earlier. I don't want Alvia to be in trouble because of this.

"The duke is at fault, your highness. The duchess never even seduce the man. He was being handsy it made the duchess uncomfortable. He even goes to the extent of threatening the duchess that if she makes a scene, he'll do anything to trouble you," a maid speaks up.

Even though her hands were shaking from nervousness and fear of being disrespectful, she didn't care and continue to speak up unlike me who holding on Alvia's coat for dear life.

I am embarrassed because this is not who I am. Why am I so afraid to speak up? Is it because I am in front of all these nobility? Or because I feel so out place?

"How dare you lie to my face, Duke Bartholomew! Your judgement will be determined by the members of the council and myself! To do something inappropriate in my vicinity and to my future wife, that's too much! TOO MUCH! Guards! Bring him to his cellar!" I watched as the guards grabbed the duke by the arm and drag him away from the ballroom.

Alvia keeps his hands on my shoulder while scowling at the other guests.

"Let this be a lesson for those who have an ill intention to my future wife. I won't keep an eye close just because you don't see what I see in her. Enjoy your night," Alvia said and lead me out from the ballroom.

"Is it wise to just leave like that?" I asked as we went into her room.

"My parents will handle it. I can't believe that I almost let something bad happened to you again. Kathryn, if something like that ever happens again, just scream for help. You don't have to worry about what will happen to me. I really worried about you because I love you," I sat on the edge of her bed while she kneels in front of me.

She proceeds to take off my heels and place it somewhere on the floor.

"I shall call your attending maid to help you to take off the dress," she stood up and went to the door. I am hopeless. I was never this weak when it comes to man being a man.

Well, this is not a place for me to be my old self anymore. Anything that I do will reflect on Alvia. But, what if it involves my dignity? Should I just continue to keep my mouth shut or be as brave as the maid who helped me earlier?

I need to figure out how should I personate my image as their empress. I swear that I will not let anyone look down on me ever again. That's my promise.

The Emperor's Rose (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now