Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Before the Storm

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Blaise's absence had a much greater impact than I could ever have guessed. We had lost our strategic advantage against Duke Victor, for without Blaise's knowledge of his father, any offensive we launched would not have as devastating an effect as we'd hoped. More than that, I had come to enjoy his company, his quiet presence, and even the dragons seemed to miss him. Lyessa, who seemed to have a penchant for other lost souls, even suggested a rescue mission.

'Even if we were to succeed, we'd lose our element of surprise on the battlefield,' Thrasos said flatly. 'No, we cannot risk it.'

'What of the battle?' one of the smaller dragons asked. 'What if he tells his father about us?'

'Does he know we are here?' Thrasos said, waving his tail at the other dragons.

'I don't know,' I said. 'He didn't say anything about you,

'That is a blessing, then,' Xenia said.

'He may already know,' Soteria said. 'We tried to fly high, but we may have been spotted.'

'Poor baby,' Lyessa sighed, clearly still thinking of Blaise.

I felt awful. I knew it was not my fault Blaise had been taken, but I still felt responsible. As the conversation grew louder, I excused myself. I sensed Killian's eyes on my, but thankfully he did not follow, and I sat by the edge of the cliff, staring out at the stars. I could see fires burning in the south, where Duke Victor's army was camped, barely five miles from the twinkling lights of Hartfield Palace. With a stab of fear, I realised that my mother and sisters were still in the palace. The thought of something happening to my family made me feel even worse.

As if on cue, a soft drizzle began to fall, creeping under my collar and making me shiver. I hunched my shoulders, the small thuds of the raindrops not helping my mood.

'Here,' Silas lay down beside me and half-lifted his wing, allowing me to sit down with my back against his warm side, his wing protecting me from the rain.

'Thank you,' I said, leaning back against his smooth, golden scales.

As the rain passed, I pulled out my mirror and codebook, then glanced around. The ground was damp, and nothing looked suitable to start a fire.

'Silas, can you set this on fire for me?' I asked, holding up a stick.

Silas lowered his head and breathed out a tiny puff of fire, setting my stick on fire. With some coaxing and a little help from Silas, I managed to get a small fire started. I turned towards the palace, positioning the mirror behind the fire.

KittyCat, I flashed out, praying Cassy was watching. KittyCat.

A few minutes later, I spotted an answering flash from the tallest tower.

Ellie-Bear! Cassy's response came fast, her words becoming muddles in her haste. Where are you? Where have you been?

Silas watched in interest as I decoded Cassy's message and hurriedly flashed back my own.

'What is this you do?' he asked, extending a claw towards my mirror.

'I'm sending a message to my sister,' I said.

Is Theo there? I asked. Or Bash? I need your help.

No Bash, Cassy said. I'll get Theo.

The tower went dark for a few minutes as Cassy hurried to wake Theo, and I explained the mirror system to Silas, who was very curious and even attempted to use the mirror himself, holding it delicately in his claws.

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