Chapter Five ~ A Day in the Sun

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As promised, Alastair invited me riding four days after we had arrived. Bearing Mother's advice in mind, I wore a simple riding habit, but couldn't resist wearing my favourite plum-red cloak with it. I found my way down to the stables and had just begun seeing to my horse when Prince Alastair arrived, carrying a checked picnic rug under his arm.

'Princess,' he said, bowing.

'Good morning, Prince Alastair,' I said.

'I trust you had a good sleep?' he said. 'I have an exciting morning planned for us!'

We mounted up and trotted out into the courtyard and off into the forests. We were accompanied by two mounted guards, as Father was still concerned for my safety. Prince Alastair led me down a winding path through the woods, overhung by huge oak and willow trees, with little bushes of flowers and berries growing by the path.

'Prince Alastair-' I began, but he interrupted me.

'Please, call me Alastair,' he said. 'All that 'Your Highness' stuff is too stuffy. Especially when it's just the two of us.'

'If you insist,' I said with a small smile.

'I'm afraid I do,' he said, eyes twinkling.

'Alastair, then,' I said. 'Where are we headed?'

'Ah,' he replied, his smile growing broader. 'That, my dear, is a surprise!'

Suddenly, he pulled in his horse and held a finger to his lips.

'Shhh,' he whispered, pointing to a branch just above my head. Looking up, I saw a small bird with a red chest perched on the branch. It cocked its head at me, then took off into the woods.

'That was a red robin,' Alastair said as we started riding again. 'It's the first I've seen this year.'

'I've never seen one,' I said. 'It's beautiful.'

We rode on through the woods. As Pembleton was much further north, spring was already in full bloom and the scent of wildflowers filled the air. Birds were chirping in the trees and I caught glimpses of deer, a few squirrels and a badger. It was a relief to finally be back in nature, although it was not entirely peaceful with Prince Alastair's constant chatter. I was surprised at how much he knew about the different animals.

He took me to a hilltop behind Hartfield Palace where he had set up a picnic. Well, a five-course picnic with several types of meat, fish, a soup, cheese platter and a two-foot-high pile of pastries.

'Alastair, thank you,' I said, looking up at him. 'This is so sweet.'

'Not as sweet as you, my dear,' he said.

I smiled and sat down and stretched out on the blanket. The view across the rolling hills was spectacular, with the palace shimmering in the morning sun. Looking past it, I could see several small towns dotting the landscape, and a large, silvery river winding its way through the hills. With the sound of birds twittering in the trees and the smell of wildflowers, it was easy to relax.

'What do you think of Pembleton?' he said a little shyly.

'It's lovely,' I said. 'It's much... gentler than Santiana.'

'And the palace?' he asked. 'Could you see yourself settling in?'

'I'm still learning my war around!' I laughed, trying to lighten the conversation. I had a funny feeling I knew where Alastair was heading.

'Well, I have a little surprise for you, my dear,' he said, and signalled to one of the guards. The guard pulled something covered in cloth from his saddlebag and handed it to the Prince, who unwrapped it to reveal a lute. 'I thought I might play you something,' he said.

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