Chapter Fourteen ~ Wedding Bells

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I woke the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping on my balcony and my little hedgehog snuffling around for breakfast. Rolling over to pick her up, I froze as I caught sight of the huge white wedding dress hanging from my wardrobe. I had completely forgotten. I was marrying Alastair today.

Before I had even rolled out of bed, Cassy came barging into my chamber, carrying a heavily-laden breakfast tray. She was already wearing her bridesmaid's dress, a gorgeous mulberry gown that I had managed to slip past Olive's watchful eye.

'Come on, sleepy head,' she said, putting the tray on a table and coming to bounce on my bed. 'Time to get up!'

I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. 'Must I?'

'Yes!' Cassy cried.

She pounced on top of me and started tickling me. After a few brief minutes of fighting, I wriggled away.

'Fine, I'll get up,' I said. I sat up and glared at her. 'Meany.'

She grinned evilly at me. 'You love me.'

'I will if you pass that breakfast tray,' I said.

She rolled her eyes and reached over for the breakfast tray.

'Thank you, Cas,' I said. She smiled, pinching a grape from my tray. 'I'm going to miss you.'

'Me too, sis,' she said, hugging me.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, both nibbling from the tray.

'How long do we have?' I asked,

Cassy shrugged, eating another grape. 'How should I know?' she said.

I giggled and leant back into the pillows, admiring the delicately embroidered canopy above my bed.

Mother opened the door and laughed, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation at the sight of us sprawled on my bed, stuffing our faces with fruit and pastries.

'Look at you two!' she cried. 'Still in bed!'

Cassy and I grinned up at her, neither of us budging. She was wearing a long, sky blue gown embroidered with little flowers, accompanied by a stunning silver necklace and her best crown, but that didn't stop her seizing a pillow and hitting Cassy over the head.

'Up!' she cried.

Giggling, Cassy and I climbed out of bed. Mother sat me down at the vanity and brushed out my hair, twisting it into an elaborate braid that spilled over my right shoulder and left a few strands framing my face.

'Cassandra, could you fetch the flowers please?' Mother said. 'I think they were delivered earlier.'

As Cassy left, Mother held the dress up and I stepped into it, letting the soft, floaty fabric fall into place. The dress was beautiful. It had very simple, creamy white skirts and the bodice was decorated with little embossed butterflies that floated down my shoulders and down the skirts. Mother fussed around, tucking the dress in and adjusting the skirts.

'Thanks, Ma,' I said as she stepped back.

'I'm proud of you, Ellie,' Mother said, squeezing my hand. She blinked rapidly, her eyes welling up. 'My girl, all grown up.'

'Ma, don't make me cry,' I said.

'It's a very brave and noble thing you're doing, my dear,' she said.

'I hope it works,' I said. 'If not, I'm stuck with a mad husband all my life!'

'I know he's not exactly what you wanted, but don't close yourself off,' she said. 'You'd be surprised where life can take you.'

Switched ~ a Fractured FairytaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang