Chapter Thirteen ~ An Unexpected Arrival

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My last engagement before the wedding was a feast to celebrate my last day of freedom before marriage. At least, that's how I interpreted it. Olive had lectured me for hours on the importance of this feast as a chance to reflect on my childhood and celebrate my becoming a wife. Olive seemed to have had a change of heart over the past week. Instead of being against the marriage, she seemed to have decided that if it was going to happen, she was going to lecture me on every detail of the ceremony and every element of Pembleton's traditions and history.

At Isabelle's insistence, I wore the floaty blue dress we had found in the attic. The seamstresses had adjusted it to fit me, and added small bunches of delicate white roses that clustered at my waist and spilled down the skirts. I also chose a simple silver tiara set with lapis lazuli that matched the tiny blue crystals sewn into the dress.

I met Alastair in the small room off the Grand Ballroom as the rest of my family proceeded inside the hall.

'Ah, my dear!' Alastair cried as I entered. He rushed to me and kissed my fingers. 'You look wonderful.'

His blond hair was slicked back again, and he was wearing a deep plum velvet suit and his gold crown. I also noticed several shiny new medals pinned to his chest.

'Thank you,' I said.

'I have a present for you,' he said, pulling a small, flat package tied with a gold ribbon from his pocket.

'Alastair, you don't have to keep giving me presents,' I said.

'If I can't spoil my fiancée, who can I spoil?' Alastair cried. 'Now open up!'

I smiled as I untied the ribbon. Inside the case was a large gold bracelet, set with large rubies surrounded little amethysts. The jewels formed little sunbursts of pinks and purples that sparkled in the light. It was almost as ornate and over the top as my engagement ring.

'It's lovely,' I lied.

'I'm so glad you like it,' Alastair said, relief flooding his face.

I felt a tiny stab of guilt in my stomach, but I smiled up at Alastair.

'May I?' he asked, holding out a hand.

He clasped the bracelet around my right wrist and smiled at me.

'Alastair,' I said. 'When we signed those documents the other day, your mother mentioned a 'him'. Who was she talking about?'

'Ah, yes,' Alastair said, his jaw tightening again, just as it had in his father's study. 'Well, there's something I haven't told-'

The doors to the Grand Ballroom swung open and Alastair quickly took my arm as the herald pounded his staff into the ground and cried, 'Announcing the royal engagement of Crown Prince Alastair and Princess Elia of Santiana!'

The Grand Ballroom was decorated, if possible, more elaborately than it had been for the welcome ball. The chandeliers sparkled over a sea of smiling people, all dressed in their most elaborate outfits. As there was a feast after the ball, there were no tables groaning with food, instead a small selection of light refreshments.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Alastair turned to me and bowed.

'Princess?' he said.

Alastair and I opened the dancing and soon the floor was full of dancing couples. After the slow waltz, King Percival approached us and held out his hand.

'Princess Elia,' he said, bowing. 'May I have this dance?'

'Of course, Your Majesty,' I said.

Alastair kissed my cheek and, as the orchestra struck up a lively jive, King Percival took my hand.

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