Chapter Ten ~ Attics and Agreements

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For the first time since arriving in Pembleton, I woke up late. Sunlight was streaming onto my bed from the open window and I could hear the sounds of laughter and chat from the dining room. As I rolled over, the light caught my ring, throwing hundreds of tiny rainbows dancing from the diamonds. Slipping the ring off, I turned it over in my fingers, examining it. It was huge, with a large central diamond, surrounded by two tiers of tiny diamonds, supported by little gold swirls and spirals that flowed down into the swirling gold band, set with yet more tiny diamonds. It made my left hand feel heavy, a constant reminder of what I had agreed to.

As I dressed, it kept catching my eye in the mirror. It was just so big, it didn't really suit my other clothes and it kept catching on stray threads. I contemplated taking it off, but it was only a matter of time until my family found out. With a shrug, I pushed open my door and walked down the hallway to the dining room. My family were all seated at the table, which was depressingly empty.

'Morning, Elia,' Father said. 'I'm afraid you've missed breakfast.'

I sighed as I sat between Theo and Cassy. As I reached to take the cup of tea Mother offered me, Cassy seized my left hand.

'What is that?' she gasped, staring at my ring.

'Oh,' I said blandly. 'Yeah, I forgot to say.'

'You got engaged,' Cassy said, still holding my hand, 'And you just forget to say?'

By now, the whole family was staring at me. Marianne had hurried around the table to stare, open-mouthed, at my ring, Father had looked up from his letters and even Theo had put down his food.

'Is this true, Elia?' Father asked. 'When did it happen?'

I nodded. 'Last night,' I said. 'I was going to tell you after breakfast.'

'It's huge!' Cassy said, still staring at my ring. She scrunched her nose, tilting my hand around and watching the ring sparkle. 'And a bit ugly.'

'I think Olive had a say in it,' I said.

'Figures,' she muttered.

'Well,' Father said, folding his letters and standing up. 'I suppose I should see King Percival. Thank you, El. You've helped more than you could know,' he added, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled up at him. 'Any chance I could get some breakfast?'

'If I see a footman, I'll tell him to send up something,' Father chuckled as he left the room.

Immediately, Marianne started listing off all the things I needed to do now I was officially engaged.

'First, we need to get your wedding dresses, you're going to need two, maybe three,' she said, ticking them off on her fingers. 'Then there's the ceremony and ball to plan and-'

'Give her a chance to breathe,' Mother said gently. 'We don't need to do everything immediately.'

Marianne glared at Mother then stop stomped off towards her room.

I flashed a smile at Mother, then called down the hall to Marianne. 'Thanks, Mary,' I said. 'I'll be happy to let you help with planning.'

The only response I got was the sound of her bedroom door slamming.

'She won't be winning any Flower Girl of the Year competitions,' Cassy said.

A footman knocked at the door and entered, bearing a tray loaded with breakfast.

'Your Highness,' he said, setting the tray before me.

After a quick breakfast, Theo grabbed my hand. 'Hey, there's something I want to show you,' he said. 'Feel up to a little adventuring?'

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