Chapter Six ; Envelope

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Chapter Six;

Outside the window, an eery smog had laid thick over the cobblestone streets of small heath. As the sun went to sleep, the moon appeared, shining bright. The blanket of twinkling stars reminded me how much I hated walking home all on my lonesome in the winter months, you don't know who is lurking even when accompanied by angels in the night sky, you never feel quite safe.

My eyes were aching from reading documents upon documents, my fingers felt stiff from all the typing and my brain was on the brink of imploding.

The ticking grandfather clock sat in the corner of the room, seconds from 6 o'clock, I couldn't help but ponder on whether he enjoyed his sandwich when the time was going slow. Although, I wouldn't know as Tommy hadn't left his office once since this morning. He clearly has a lot on his plate which only confirmed the look in his ghostly blue eyes the first day I got back; a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

He had his unannounced visitor around one o'clock this afternoon. I hadn't seen the man before... he was an older Irish chap, he had hair white like snow peppered with grey flecks and walked with a wolf head cane and a slight hobble, not to forget the unsettling mustache sitting on his top lip. Soon as he stumbled into the office, I didn't feel at all comfortable around him. Especially when I delivered the coffee to Mr. Shelby, the man looked at my body as if he could pay for it. A slimy smirk was hidden underneath that tache... Throughout the entire meeting, I couldn't settle at my desk knowing he was in the other room. I didn't even give him a slight smile when he left, tilting his bowler hat at me. I wasn't sure of his business with Tom but I hoped never to see him again.

Apart from that, my day turned into a shade of grey.

The clock chimed at six.

"Time to go," I whispered aloud to myself as I started to tidy my desk up in a hurry.

Suddenly, the doors of the large office swung open revealing Tommy pulling on his well-tailored blazer. I only glanced up with a weak smile as I continue to pop all my things into my basket. I was too shattered to entertain Tommy. Until I noticed him lingering in front of my desk.

"Yes, Thomas." I chuckled, "How can I help?"

Looking up, Tommy throws a thick envelope on to my tired typewriter,
"Tomorra, I want you, to go get yourself a nice dress, some dance shoes and whatever women get and then take a car to my house alright?"

I was slightly taken back, "Your joking?"

"Why would I?" He coughed, crossing his arms over his chest watching me taking hold of the envelope between my dainty fingers.

"Am I not working tomorrow?" I question, mindlessly opening the paper, "Tommy?!"

The question before completely slipped my mind as my fingertips were holding the most money I had ever seen or touched in my life, "Oh Tommy, I can't take this..."

"You can and you will." He ordered with a nod of his head, "Come on, I'm driving you home."

I said no more to defy him, gathering my bits and bobs quickly and not forgetting my envelope. I followed Tommy, who oh so graciously held the door open for me whilst fixing his peaky hair on with the other.

The walk to the car was awfully silence. I simply kept sneaking little glances at Tom, thinking to myself, why is he being so nice to me? He had always been kind to me of course but not like this...

I didn't say a peep apart from the words thank you. I never even found out about my sandwich.
. the next day .

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