Chapter Three; Reunited

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"No! I don't want you to get involved in the Peaky Blinders!" My Brother howled, pulling his cap down covering his eyes as we stood outside The Garrison where we could have this conversation without anyone interjecting.

Thomas himself offered me a position alongside the Peaky Blinders, nothing dangerous or anything that would put me in harm's way, simply a secretary for Mr Shelby. He trusted my brothers hugely and knowing my past as well as how he needs someone to fill the position anyway, he felt fit I took it. I had never been very close to Tommy, out of all the Shelby's he was one I couldn't get particularly close too but I think that was the case for everyone.

He's an alone wolf.

Although, something in him or me, I wasn't quite sure, was different and I understood it. Whether it was that ghostly look in his eyes or the fact we both had seen the unthinkable, but something was new and I felt a connection to Tom, that I had never had before.

Even though an hour or so ago I was ranting and raving about how I didn't want my brothers involved in their affairs when I was given the offer, it's extremely hard to decline. The pay was better than any other job in Small Health, by a large amount at that! Who knows, soon enough my two brothers and I could upgrade from our damp tiny apartment at the end of the stockyard to a nice house near the betting shop or perhaps we could save the money, put it aside for a house in the countryside! I've always dreamt of a house with a beautiful rose garden.

However, John's words from our younger years played in the back of my head; he never wanted me to get into the business, it scared him too much, knowing I could get wrapped up in something bad and get hurt. It was one of the last things we talked about - or argued.

"They offered me a job, Victor, it's good money too! All I'm doing is typing and book keepin', I ain't picking up no gun." I gripped my hand on his arm with pleading eyes, "Listen to me, Vic! I can't be at home just cookin' and cleanin', waiting for you boys to come home, thinking about how you or Reg wouldn't come home! I will go fuckin' mental!"

"At least we know she'll be safe Victor?" Reg chirped up, fighting my corner,

"If one of the gangs, like the Irish or something, get a bit rowdy, they might take her or use her. Surely knowing she will be under Tommy's nose most the time... she's safe."

"Reg is right. I dunno what you boys get up to and frankly I don't want to know, I can keep an eye on you and you will be able to keep an eye on me, it's only fair." I stated looking Victor dead in the eye,

"When I'm not doing anything, I get ill, start feeling horrible, I need something, Victor."

At this point, I was practically begging my own brother. He simply looked back at me, the veil of me as his little baby sister was lifting as he finally had a chance to take in who I was now; A woman, not a girl. I needed my independence and he was fully aware this conversation shouldn't even be happening since I am old enough to make her own choices, not to mention the fact he knew I was going to say yes to the offer no matter what he said, however, he could stop the natural urge to keep her safe under his wing as he always had done.

"Oh fuck it! Take the job Pops." Victor flicked the last of his cigarette on the floor.

"Really! Thank you, Victor!" I tightly squeezed my brother in delight.

"Dunno know John's going to feel about this." Reggie chewed on his lip.

Suddenly Reg's face went blank as he looked over my shoulder as I was now standing in front of the boys in the middle of the cobbled street. My heart started to pick up pace, as not much scared Reginald, not since he stares death in the face most days so the blood drained from his face worried me greatly.

"John, will think of what? About this fine lookin' lady!" A voice rang loudly throw the empty alley and it was the same voice that haunted me for years. The tone that soothes me, the charm I longed to hear once more bounced off the walls around us.

Slowly I turned my head, scared to match the face with the voice even though there is no one else it would be but, "John."

The name slipped out of my mouth with no stopping in as it came with a gasp. My eyes laid upon a tall fella, cigarette hanging out the corner of his plump lips, his pesky peaky hat lowered over his eyes with his hair cut so very short. Oh he has changed! Never have I ever seen John Shelby in a three piece suit. That was until now of course.

"Poppy fucking Millar!" His mouth gaped open, flicking the peak of his cap up to get a better look, "Nah! Nah! This ain't fucking happening!!!"

John's shock rapidly accelerate into furious anger.  He began pacing back and forth in front of my brothers and I, glancing over at me in disbelief.

"What the FUCK?! Have you come back to show off, have ya?! Show off you happy fucking life!" He shouted.

I flinched at his harsh language, "John. Please." I spoke softly. I had never been one to raise my voice, one of many traits that myself and John didn't share. I always wanted to talk - he always wanted to shout.

"Don't talk to my sister like that John! You don't know what she's been through!" Victor's hands clenched into fists, all the vulgar talk about Poppy and the mixture of alcohol and snow in he's bloodstream were all coming to a boil.

"Gone through? Are you joking? What the fuck would she go through!" John's words spat like venom, and any glimmer of hope or love was slowly being put out by his toxic behaviour.

My eyes glazed over, tears coming to a head. I didn't want to cry. But it was like I was turning back into a seventeen year old girl, wanting to run and hide behind her brothers.

"John, please let me talk-"

"I see you still have hands! I was worried you forgot how to use them, or can't you understand how to use a phone?" John started to laugh like he was losing his mind. I didn't know a thing about this man in front of me anymore.

"You better start showing our sister some respect." Reggie, my little Reggie, stepped forward with a cold stare, sizing up John.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest and my hands started to tingling, "Victor?" I gasped in a quiet whisper, I couldn't catch my breath and no one could hear me over their testosterone.

"Respect!? I have no respect for her! I deserved a ounce of respect when she pissed off."

I tried to grab Victor's arm but I was frozen in place as my vision start become hazy and the world started to spin around me.

"She was in fucking France, you prick! But you never asked why did ya! Hey John! She was a nurse, John, saving bloody solider lives!" Suddenly, The Young Shelby turned silent as Reggie defended me,

"She hasn't been well! She went to Brighton to get better. Whilst you went a got fucking married to that gypsy girl!" Victor hollowed.

"Married?" I exhaled in.

That's the last thing I remember before the world turned black.

The Secretary ; T . SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ