Troublesome Times

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Years pass steadily, and the child with chubby cheeks grew wonderfully well. She became a beautiful adult, with Namjoon by her side, nurturing her to become the best person she could be. She learned French, to fix her and her father's tea, to understand literature as its best, and to continue to love wholeheartedly.

Time passed, and although they mourned , they grew tio celebrate their loved one's life rather than grieving their loss.

ln her heart, no matter how her mind grew, (Y/N) stayed the same. For she remembered the promise she made to her father.

The weather was a bit too warm to enjoy the summer air, and so (Y/N) who adored them, busied herself with a book. It was one of her father's favorites and it had easily become one of her own, once she had grown enough to understand it. She fiddled with her white, floral dress, a gift from her late father, and she liked to wear it on days such as this. 

"Father? Would you like for me to read to you?" she asked sweetly, peering into the drawing-room where Namjoon sat, staring off into space with a cup of tea in his hand.

"Sure my darling. Come take a seat." he gestured to the seat across from him and she took it giddily, loving these moments with her father.

She started from the page she was on; the last chapter where everything was falling into place. Her and Namjoon's favorite part.

Namjoon listened, but his heart could not find the usual joy he would feel from his sweet daughter's antics.

Namjoon was much changed after their loved one's death, but he hoped for better times.

"And after all that day's activities had provided more than enough joyous attentions." (Y/N) giggled, "My wife and I, ever happy in our endeavours ended the day in love and in peace." she finished with a flourish and shut the book, satisfied.

"Thus ends Mr. Changbin for today. I do happy tale. Don't you, Father?" her eyes flitted over to her father, whom she long noticed was not as interactive as normal.

He let a half-hearted grin, "They're quite my favorite sort."

(Y/n) slowly sat up, running her fingers over the books cover lovingly. "They are mine, that's for certain."

"(Y/N)." Namjoon's voice was awkwardly sharp, and her eyes met his worried.

"I... I have come to the resolution that it may be time to... begin a new chapter."

His hesitance caused her emotions to stir, wondering profusely as to what had him so anxious to speak to her.

"Oh?" it came more as a question than a response, but Namjoon took it anyway.

"You'll recall that some time ago, in my travels, I made the acquaintance of Sir Kim Hee-chul?"

(Y/N) registered the question nervously, "Yes... The Master of the Juniors. Is he not?"

"Was." Namjoon's eyes were sorrowful as he looked at her. "The poor man is deceased. However, his widow..." 

(Y/N)'s blood ran cold. 

"An honorable man... finds himself alone, though still in the prime of his life." 

Her mind was swimming with Namjoon's words. The insinuating meaning behind the conversation making her throat burn from the unsettled movements in her stomach. An odd sense of foreboding dread washed over her, but the hopeful look on her father's face calmed it. But just barely.

"You're worried about telling me." she chooses her words carefully. "You shouldn't be, I only care for your happiness." 

Namjoon's face was rigid as if he couldn't quite force his face to match his words.

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