Royal blood for the Prince

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The prince paced back and forth in his father's chambers, eagerly giving a vivid retelling of his encounter to his father.

"Yoongi, you sound as if you're the first ever to meet a pretty girl."

"She wasn't a pretty girl!" Yoongi attempts to defend but then immediately backtracks, "Well she was a pretty girl, she was so much more than that!"

His father, King Si-Hyuk huffed in exasperation, "How much more? You've only met her once-" the King adjusted himself so the doctor could listen to his chest with his medical instrument. "How could you know anything about her?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his father, "You said you knew right away when you met Father."

"That's different." the king replied as his eyes followed his son as he continued to pace. "Your father was a prince."

"You would have loved him anyway."

"I wouldn't have seen him because it wouldn't have been an option." He watched as Yoongi came and sat on the bench next to him.  "And my father would have told me, exactly what I'm telling you." The doctor repeatedly moved the instrument over the King's chest. "And I would've listened to him."

Yoongi- although the action unprincely- snorted. "No, you wouldn't have."

"Yes, I would."


"Yes, I would."

"You wouldn't."

"You're right."

The doctor's sudden grim stare caused Yoongi's smile to disappear slowly. "Well?"

The doctor nervously fiddled with his instrument, and his mouth opened and closed multiple times, resembling the fish Yoongi had for his midday meal. 

"Your Majesty-"

"Nevermind." the King interrupted him in a soft tone. "If it takes that long to figure out how to say it, then I already know." the King's head slowly fell, and he massaged his temples as the doctor packed his things.

"Father..." Yoongi's tone was filled with sadness and King Si-Hyuk shook his head. 

"We are only human, son." he patted Yoongi's knee and stood. "Come, We shall be late." His eyes flickered over to the boy and he leaned toward him. 

"And punctuality is the..."

"Politeness of princes," Yoongi said with him and they both chuckled. 

The two men stood up and made their way out of the King's chamber, only to be met by Hoseok, who was Yoongi's head officer and the Grand Duke Hyun-suk, who was Yoongi's adviser. 

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness." The two bowed when they walked through the door and altogether they made their way down the brightly lit hall. 

"I'm sure your father scolded you about your actions in the forest during the hunt?" The Grand Duke asked snootily and Yoongi couldn't help but roll his eyes at the man's impending tone. 

"Is it any business of yours?" Yoongi replied the bite in his tone ignored.

"Your business is my business." The Grand Duke cleared his throat, "It does not bode well to let the stag go free."

Yoongi's thoughts ran back to the girl he had met earlier that day. "Just because it's what's done, doesn't mean it's what should be done." he grinned despite himself. "Or something like that."

The group of men made it to their destination and another guard stood waiting patiently at the door. 

"Master Vante, master of the paintbrush, patiently awaits."

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