Chapter Thirteen: Anger, But No Regret

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I walked into the cave, my ring not activated, and was greeted by the sound of Wally crying out in despair.

I walked into the main area, where there was a holographic game of ice hockey being played, where apparently Wally was losing badly to Robin. Even with super speed, the poor kid can't beat Batman's training.

I laughed as they both noticed me. "Apparently the 'fastest boy alive' can't beat a little bird." I smirked, Robin laughing cockily as Wally slightly pouted, going over to sit on the couch.

I turned to Robin. "Ready to play a real master?" Robins eyes glinted slightly, and we began playing.

We were about halfway through the game, and I was also losing. Badly. But I still kept going, laughing just as happily as Robin every time he scored. I wasn't that concerned with winning, to be honest.

It was four-zero when Superboy stormed through the zeta tubes, disregarding my screams of protest as he ran through the holographic air hockey board.

"Hey! I was about to come back!" I shouted at Superboy's distant figure.

Just then, Black Canary zeta'd into the room, shouting after Superboy. "Stick around," she called, "trainings about to start." She smirked, cracking her knuckles.


"So, anyone wanna go?" I hadn't even activated my suit before Wally zoomed into the ring, suit on and towering over me.

He leaned in close to my face, raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Sure you wanna take me on, Little Lantern?"

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Please. I don't even need my ring for this one." I went into a defensive stance, raising my arms.

"Alright that's enough trash talk, I'm supposed to be teaching you kids." Black Canary came into the ring, ushering us out.

I pouted, sad about not getting the opportunity to kick Wally's butt. But oh well, there's always next time.

"Now, Kid Flash, want to try and spar?" Black Canary said to him.

"Hey! You stole my win BC!" I protested. The audacity.
She rolled her eyes at me, laughing.

"Maybe after this, I can show you my moves." Wally bit his lip, looking Black Canary up and down.
"Focus on losing for a bit, Kid." I called, Wally just rolling his eyes.

It ended quickly, is all I could say.
"Hurts so good," Kid Flash whispered from his position on the floor.

Me and Robin were leaning on each other from how much we were laughing, while M'gann and Kaldur only smiled. Superboy, as always, was brooding silently in the corner.

"Now, as Blue already said, albeit a tad out of context, that superhero's can't always rely on their powers to protect themselves. You must always have a defense."

Superboy huffed, standing up from leaning against the wall, walking over to the ring.

"Please, with my power, I don't need a defense." Black Canary's eyes glinted with hidden humor.

"Wanna bet?" She gestured to the ring. Superboy jumped into the zone, the computer announcing his entrance.

They both positioned themselves to fight, before the computer commenced the brawl.
Superboy put up quite a fight, but his brute strength couldn't match BC's sheer skill and training. Eventually, she got under him and swept his legs out, the computerized voice announcing his failure.

"See? You have to train. It's the only way to improve what you already have." Black Canary's words bounced off the rage-filled Superboy as he stormed out of the room, to his bedroom where he slammed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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