Chapter 10: School

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I walked into Biology with Wally, who conveniently took that class too.
I went in the door, and was greeted by a tall, skinny man, with a wispy mustache that looked like he glued it on. He was wearing a blue turtleneck and jeans. He noticed me, and his eyes lit up strangely.

"Ah, you must be our new student. What's your name?" He asked way too enthusiastically, practically bouncing towards me, almost going nose-to-nose with me.

"Uh, Alya," I answered, a little taken aback by his bubbly attitude. It was nine in the morning, hoe could he be so energetic? I'm ADHD, and I still can't function properly this early.

"Well, Alya, since you seem to know my boy Wally over here," He slaps 'his boy,' on the back, who was grimacing at the nickname, pulling away from the teacher slightly, "You can be his lab partner. I'm Mr. Harris by the way."

I nodded, and was about to follow Wally to my seat, which was luckily in the back, but Mr. Harris held an arm out before me, stopping me from moving.

"Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, Alya." He asked, but it sounded more like an order. I couldn't say no anyway.

I took a deep breath, and looked to the pupils in front of me, my classmates, that seemed to be sizing me up, looking for weaknesses.
I stood a little straighter, narrowing my eyes slightly. Don't show weakness.

"I'm Alya Vivani. I'm from Coast City, and I'm fifteen." I deadpanned, and raised an eyebrow at Mr. Harris, silently asking him Was that enough?

He nodded slightly, and turned to the class. "Any questions for Miss Vivani?"

I felt my stomach turn. I wasn't socially awkward, it's just having everyone stare at me is nerve-wracking.
And now having to answer questions.
About three people raise their hands, peering cautiously at me over their desks.

He points to a boy with white-blonde hair. He leaned forward, looking at me inquisitively.
"Why do you come to school here, if you live in Coast City?"

That seems like an invasive question.
'Because I can Zeta tube anywhere I want to go, and I randomly chose this school.'

"My... Dad wanted me to go here." It felt strange calling Hal my dad. He was fine by me calling him by his name, but for all intents and purposes, he was my Dad.

Also, I didn't want to announce to the whole world that I was adopted. Not that I was ashamed of it, but I don't really want people to judge me straight away.

Mr. Harris points to a girl this time, with brown hair tied into a braid. "Are you a fan of Green Lantern?" She asked, referring to my shirt.

"Yeah," I said, shrugging. "He's good. But I prefer Blue Lantern, if I do say so myself. She's awesome."

I could hear Wally snort from the back of the room. Nobody paid attention to him though, this probably was normal for Wally.

A girl speaks up from my right, without being called on. She has bleached blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. She seems like one of those rude populars at my old school.

She looked at me boredly, looking me up and down, obviously trying to find something wrong with me.

"Did you dye your hair? What are you, emo or something?" She spoke with a Brooklyn accent, her rough tongue cutting into my ears. I winced slightly, before answering her question.

"Nope, I was born with my hair. Were you?" I smirked at her. I didn't want to make enemies, but she was asking for it, and I just couldn't help myself.

The whole class gaped at me, and a few started snickering. Wally's reaction was the best.
He practically fell off of his seat laughing, slapping his hand on the table.

Becoming Blue (Green Lantern's Prótegée)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin