Chapter Twelve: Normalcy

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"Ughh," I groaned into the couch pillow, lying face down on it. We had just gotten back from the Santa Prisca mission, and the whole 'observe and report' thing didn't go so well, mostly because our team contains a Wally.

But it turns out that Bane had taken over the island, and fused his Bane venom with Kobra's, making Kobra Venom. What a cool name for a drug.

So the mission went astray, and we ended up fighting a bunch of bad guys, kicking butt as we went, and captured Bane. Sportsmaster also showed up, but we weren't able to get him, cause he flew away in a helicopter.

I rolled onto my back, and stared at the ceiling. "That was so much work." I breathed out. M'gann laughed at me, flying into the kitchen, presumably to bake some more.

Wally zoomed in, sitting on my stomach heavily, causing me to almost choke. "Hey, get off me Wally!" I pushed him off me, him falling into the floor and me finally being able to breathe again.

Me and Robin burst out into laughter, him high-giving me before disappearing into one of the many halls of the Mountain.

Wally got up from the floor, rubbing his head in annoyance. "What? You were taking up the whole couch." He scoffed, crossing his arms and turning away from me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "There's two more mini couches." I pointed to the empty one, because one was already occupied by Superboy, who was back to watching static.

He turned back to me, a devious glint in his eyes. "Well maybe I just wanted to be closer to you, babe." He sat down next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders. I immediately shrugged him off, standing up and powering off my ring, back into my regular clothes, consisting of a pair of black leggings, a light blue hoodie and my converse.

"Well, I gotta go," I called out to the remaining members of my team, beginning to walk backwards toward the zeta tubes.

"Why?" Wally asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well West, unlike you apparently, I gotta go home and study. I came to your school in like the end of the year, and I gotta catch up, or Hal will kick my ass."

I typed in my coordinates to Coast City, and walked into the zeta tubes, the computer announcing my departure.

I walked the small distance back to my house, and greeted Hal as I came through the door, before going upstairs to my room, pulling out my homework and getting started.


I sat at my desk, tapping a pencil against the hard wooden face. I had been sitting there staring at my science notes for the past hour, and nothing was going into my head.

"Ugh, I'm gonna fail my life." I leaned back into my foldable chair, and promptly fell backwards out of it. Great.

That was when I decided to call it a night. It was already ten, and I don't think staring at the notes would help any more than it has already.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water, before going to bed. The only thing keeping me going at this point was that there was only a few days left in school, and then I could relax for the summer.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for the past few months, school has been crazy, and to be honest, I haven't had much motivation to write.

I actually thought of discontinuing this book, for about a week I was contemplating it.
But I felt like I owed something to my amazing readers, and I knew I couldn't discontinue this. I hate seeing discontinued books on Wattpad, so I can't do that to my own.

And I have a bunch of new ideas to go with this book, so I think it'll go well from now on. (Hopefully)

Well, that's all for now. And sorry this chapter was so short. I'll be coming back for more soon.


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