Louis and Harry had finally decided they wanted what all their friends have and had set about having a baby of their own. Harry's sister Gemma had offered to help them and after only two attempts they were pregnant. Kara is a perfect mix of Harry and Louis, and the pair are overwhelmed with love for their daughter.

"Hey Gemma, you alright?" Liam asks once the woman makes her way into the kitchen, her movements slow, as she doesn't want to aggravate her c-section incision, the only complication of her pregnancy was something called placenta previa which made a c-section the only safe way to deliver Kara.

"I'm okay, thank you Liam, I just need a drink" Gemma grins, leaning onto one of the kitchen chairs as she does. Liam is quick to find a bottle of water for the woman and pull out a chair for her to sit down on, which Gemma sinks into gratefully. "Thanks Liam. This is a great party by the way, thanks for inviting me" she hums.

Liam waves her away, "this was all Zayn, and of course we'd invite you, without you none of this would have been possible" Liam answers, just as Louis comes into the kitchen with Kara nestled in his arms.

"There you are Gem, Hazza was worried when he couldn't find you" Louis breathes, switching Kara's position when she starts to fuss.

"I'm fine Lou, you and Harry can both relax" Gemma groans, taking a sip from her water, and rolling her eyes.

Louis sighs, Harry coming up behind him looking relieved when he spots his sister, "I know we're kind of being a lot but we owe you everything" Louis mumbles, pressing a loving kiss to his daughter's cheek.

Liam watches the three fondly, before Zayn calls him from the back deck, and he quickly makes his way outside to see what his husband needs. "What is it Zayn?"Liam asks, seeing his husband attempting to light the barbeque.

"I'm hopeless with this, can you start cooking, please. I need to go check on the kids" Zayn mumbles, passing the lighter in his hands over to Liam quickly and pressing a kiss to his lips, "also Niall was looking for you" Zayn adds, before he disappears into the house.


Several hours later has the house mostly empty except for Niall and Josh with Declan who is now four, and Harry and Louis with little Kara. There's still debris left from everyone all over the house and yard but Liam and Zayn have decided to leave it until tomorrow now.

"Thanks for doing this for us" Louis grins, passing Kara over to Zayn when his best friend makes grabby hands for the baby, Bella quickly appearing by Zayn's side as soon as he takes the infant.

Liam chuckles looking fondly at his husband and oldest daughter as they coo down at Kara, "it was no problem really Lou" he hums, turning back to look at Louis and Harry who look exhausted as they cuddle on the couch.

"After everything you always did for me and Bella, it was the least I could do for you" Zayn grins, eyes never leaving the adorable infant in his arms.

Harry lets out a loud yawn that makes all the adults chuckle, Niall turning to Josh where he's been playing with Declan and Zack on the floor, "I'm glad we skipped the newborn, so tired you forget your shoes stage" Niall laughs.

Louis flips Niall off tiredly, before he lets his head drop onto Harry's shoulder, and Josh shrugs from under Declan, the four year old pinning him to the floor, "I don't know, sometimes I wish we were with Dec for all the firsts" he hums, before Declan covers his mouth with his hand and Zack climbs onto his legs.

"Speaking of, are you two thinking about another one?" Zayn asks, looking up from Kara to eye Niall and Josh seriously.

"Baba, can I hold her?" Bella asks, pouting up at Zayn who laughs, nodding his head. Bella grins positioning herself better on the couch before Zayn passes Kara into her arms. "Hi sweet girl" Bella coos, a wide smile on her face as she fawns over the infant.

Niall bites his lip and Liam knows he's hiding something, especially when he and Josh share a look before Josh nods as best he can from underneath where Zack, Declan,and now Chloe are pinning him to the floor.

"What are you hiding Ni?" Liam presses, arching an eyebrow at his best friend.

Niall grins "our case worker from when we adopted Dec, called the other day. I guess his birth mum is pregnant again and she's not keeping the baby, and they asked if we were interested in taking the baby in because it would be best to keep him or her with someone related and we already have Declan" he explains quickly.

"And what did you decide Niall?" Harry asks, perking up a bit on the couch where he and Louis were both mostly asleep a minute before.

"We said yes" Josh answers, "so in about seven more months we'll have a baby and Declan here will be a big brother" he finishes.

Declan hops off Josh then with a proud smile, "Daddy says I'll be the bestest big brother ever" he cheers, dropping back down onto Josh when the man tries to sit up.

"So there's gonna be another baby?" Zack asks head tilting to the side as he does.

"Yeah, when do we meet them?" Chloe adds climbing off of Josh as she does, moving to sit beside Bella and Kara on the couch.

"There will be another baby, yes, and you guys will be among the first to meet the baby once Josh and I bring them home" Niall explains with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you two" Liam exclaims, bounding over to pull Niall into a hug, which his best friend happily returns.


Liam is curled up around Zayn in bed several more hours later, the kids all already asleep after the busy day they had. "There's gonna be another baby" Zayn hums sleepily and Liam chuckles.

"Do you want more babies Zee?" Liam asks quietly, he sees how Zayn lights up around Kara and has been wondering for a few weeks now if his husband wants another baby.

Zayn hums thoughtfully before he pushes himself to sit up, "I don't think I do Li, why do you?" he asks quietly.

Liam shakes his head, "I'm happy with our family now, if another baby is something you seriously wanted I would do it with you and love every minute, but I like things as they are now" he explains.

Zayn nods, "it's kind of nice that the kids are all old enough to entertain themselves. I love Kara and I will take all the baby snuggles I can get, but I think our little family is complete Li" he grins.

Liam nods, and he doesn't think that he's ever loved Zayn more than he does right in this minute, so without a word he dips his head to catch Zayn's lips in a heated kiss.

"I love you" Liam breathes when they pull apart, "I think you're right though our family is complete" he adds quietly.

"I love you too" Zayn hums, "I never thought I would have all this, but look at us now" he adds sleepily, dropping his head onto Liam's chest as he does.

"Get some sleep Zayn" Liam hums, and it doesn't take long for Zayn's breathing to even out, Liam stays there listening to Zayn breathing for a few minutes and he truly feels the happiest he ever has in his life, and he wouldn't change a minute of it.  

That's it you guys this is the end.
It's my birthday so I got you guys a present. 
I'm sad to see this end, but it's time. But like I said before I'm done with this book, but not these characters or this universe. I already have a few one shots on the go, and if there's anything you want to see please feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do. 
Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me, and this even when update were few and far between, it means more to me than you will ever know. 
As always please let me know what you think 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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