Chapter One Hundred Twenty

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Chapter One Hundred Twenty – Liam

Liam laughs as he watches Zayn bouncing his leg up and down in the passenger seat. They're in the car driving home from the airport and both men are more than ready to be home and see the kids. "Can't you go faster Li" Zayn groans and Liam chuckles, shaking his head, "not without potentially killing us both" he teases, laughing as Zayn rolls his eyes. Soon enough, but not quite soon enough, Liam's pulling into their familiar neighbourhood, and minutes later pulling the car back into it's space in the garage, he turns off the engine and turns to look at Zayn, he knows his husband is still upset about everything that happened, and he doesn't blame him, he just hopes that now that they're home, Zayn will be able to do what he needs to do to move past it. "You ready for this?" Liam asks, reaching over to link their fingers together, pulling Zayn's hand up to kiss his bruised knuckles. Zayn nods, smiling and he looks relaxed, and well rested, "I can't wait, c'mon" he urges pulling his hand away and climbing from the car. Liam watches him for a moment before getting out of the car himself and following the younger towards the door. Before Zayn can open it and they reenter the chaos of their daily lives, Liam reaches out and stops him, smirking at his husband's confused face. "I love you" Liam breathes, before he presses a loving kiss to his lips, Zayn turning to putty under his touch, "I love you" Zayn says against his lips. Liam reaches around Zayn and pushes open the door into the house.

It's quiet when they step inside and both men share a confused look, before stepping further into the house, and toeing off their shoes. "Mum?" Zayn calls out, and they hear the clicking of Aurora's feet as she comes to greet them, Liam reaches down to pet the dog, "where is everyone, huh girl?" he coos, the dog leaning against him and wagging her tail. Trisha is suddenly walking into sight a mug of, probably tea in her hands, "hello, Loves. How was the trip home?" she asks, pulling first Zayn, then Liam into a one armed hug. "it was good. Where are the kids?" Liam asks and Trisha laughs, "The twins are upstairs taking a nap, and Louis has Bella. Something about measurements for her flower girl dress. They should be back any minute now though" she explains. Zayn pouts at Liam, and Liam chuckles pulling him into his arms, "this is not the welcome I was expecting" Zayn mumbles against his chest. "I know Babe, but the twins will be awake soon enough, and Bells will be back" Liam coos, kissing Zayn's head. "The kettle's still hot, I'll make you boys a cuppa, and then we can talk while we wait for everyone to wake up and come home" Trisha suggests, Zayn smiles and follows his mum towards the kitchen, "I'm going to get the bags" Liam calls out and slips back out to his car. Once he has the bags he takes the stairs two at a time, until he tosses them into the master bedroom, and crosses the hall.

Liam pushes open the nursery door to look at his two youngest babies, Zack's head pops up as he does, and Liam winces before the six month old pushes himself so he's sitting, just blinking at Liam for a moment. Then Zack starts babbling quickly and reaching for Liam, attempting to pull himself to standing, unsuccessfully. Liam coos, and scoops him into his arms, "yeah, is that right? Did you miss me?" Liam hums as he lays Zack down to change him quickly, Zack babbling away as he does. "I missed you too Bubba" Liam hums kissing his cheek as he cuddles Zack back into his arms, and heads out of the room, Chloe still completely asleep in her crib. "Do you know who else missed you?" Liam asks, Zack's response a happy squeal, before he fists Liam's shirt in his tiny hand, "Baba missed you" Liam coos, as he descends the stairs to find his husband and mother in law, in the kitchen. "Liam James if you woke that boy up I swear" Zayn scolds, cutting off when Zack giggles and reaches towards him. "I didn't wake him up. I peeked in on them and he was already awake" Liam defends himself as he passes Zack over to Zayn. "he has been asleep for just over an hour" Trisha points out, before she shakes her head, "that's really all this boy likes to nap for" she adds. Zayn laughs, nodding as Zack grabs his bottom lip, Liam watches as Zayn pretends to nibble on his fingers, making Zack squeal loudly and pull his hand away quickly.

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