Ep 23: A Friendship Divided

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Dr. Wolf punched the bag that hung from the tree in front of his house. Sweat ran down his face each time Dr. Wolf punched the bag, with a plastered picture of King Hades on it.

Dr. Wolf punched the bag one last time and had sent it flying into the forest. Dr. Wolf sat down and took a drink of his water and sighed in relief.

"You doing okay, Doc? You were practicing for at least three hours now." Said Twilight and Dr. Wolf nodded.

"I'm doing good. I just don't know when Hades will strike. We've been battling Hurricane and Kittwon for months ever since the Friendship Festival." Said Dr. Wolf and wrapped the towel next to him around his neck.

"Well, yeah. We need to be prepared. Hades could attack any day now." Said Twilight and the locket around her neck beeped. "Oh, It's Applejack." Twilight pressed her locket and a hologram of Applejack appeared in front of her and Dr. Wolf. "Hi, Applejack. What's up?"

"You might want to come to the farm and see this." Said Applejack in a worried tone.

"What? Why? What's going on?" Asked Dr. Wolf as he put his shirt back on.

"Just come to the farm!" Said Applejack and her hologram disappeared.

Twilight looked at Dr. Wolf and nodded. "Let's get to the Apple Farm. We need to find out what's going on." She said and packed up her saddlebag.

Dr. Wolf grabbed his sword and followed Twilight to the Apple Farm. They soon arrived and Applejack greeted them.

"Thank goodness, you two are here. Something really strange is going on here." Said Applejack.

"Show us what's going on. We can see if it can be fixed." Said Twilight and Applejack walked away toward the field, having Twilight and Dr. Wolf follow her.

They arrived at the field and gasped. The field was blackened by purple goo, covering the fresh crops.

"This is what's happening." Said Applejack, as the field was completely covered in goo.

"What is this stuff?" Asked Dr. Wolf and reached out his hand toward the purple goo.

"Wait! Doc, don't touch it! It poisoned the animals around the area." Said Applejack and pointed to the little animal hospital that stood in front of the barn.

"Oh my goodness. Look at all these poor animals." Said Dr. Wolf as he walked around, hoping the animals will recover from the poison.

Fluttershy tucked a squirrel in a bed and kissed its head. "Don't worry, little guy. You'll feel better soon, I promise." She said and left the tent and saw Dr. Wolf and Twilight. "Dr. Wolf, Twilight! Have you seen what's going on here?"

"Yeah. We saw. Is this the only area that's poisoned, Applejack?" Asked Twilight.

Applejack shook her head. "No. The poison is not only here but everywhere. It has been seen in rivers, plants, animals even in food." She said and looked at the field. "I don't know what's going on."

"I'll tell you what's going on." Said a voice and Dr. Wolf jumped in front of the ponies, growling.

Hurricane appeared in the poisoned field and smirked. "War is beginning and it's targeting your little home!"

A big boom came from behind Dr. Wolf and he turned around and gasped in horror. The town had been half destroyed and nothing but broken buildings stood out of place. Machines whirred and sank poison into the plants and trees, destroying nature in its wake.

"No! How could you do this? You're hurting nature!" Said Dr. Wolf and Hurricane laughed.

"Oh, this wasn't my doing, was it, Twivine?" Asked Hurricane and Twivine stepped out of the shadows, sadly looking at the ground.

"Twivine? How could you?! I thought we were friends!" Said Dr. Wolf and growled at the alicorn.

"Twivine here has rejoined King Hades, isn't that right?" Asked Hurricane and Twivine looked at Dr. Wolf.

"I'm sorry." Said Twivine and shot a beam of magic at Dr. Wolf, blasting him into a tree.

"Doc! I thought you changed!" Said Twilight and shot a beam of light at Twivine, smacking her into a pile of bushes.

"I have changed! So, don't get in the way!" Said Twivine and shot a beam of magic at Twilight and her friends, trapping them in a net.

"Hey, let us out!" Demanded Twilight and Twivine shook her head, picking up the net with her magic.

"Come on, you all can go in the dungeon." Said Twivine and threw the six ponies and wolf into a cell. "You can stay here until King Hades decides what to do with you."

Twivine walked away and Twilight kicked the cell bars. "You're not going to get away with this, Twivine! We will stop you and your father!"

Twivine stopped and growled silently. "Sure you will." Twivine walked through the door and slammed it shut.

Twilight groaned in annoyance. "I can't believe we trusted her! Twivine never wanted to be our friend! She just wanted us to fall in this trap of hers!" She yelled and rammed her body against the metal bars. She slumped onto the floor. "I don't understand. Why? Why would Twivine betray us? Weren't we her family? Her friends? Her life?"

"I don't understand either. We thought we could be friends with her." Said Rainbow Dash and sighed. "But I guess not. Not all friendships can last forever."

In the cell next to the ponies, Twilight heard Dr. Wolf groan. "Doc, are you okay?!"

Dr. Wolf rubbed his head and looked down at the ground. "No. I'm not okay. I thought Twivine could change her ways and have a happy life in Ponyville." He said as tears fell to the ground. "But I was stupid. Stupid enough to fall for her tricks and now Ponyville is gonna be poisoned for eternity."

"None of us knew this was going to happen, Doc. I wish you could see that friendships fall apart over time. It can't last forever, you know." Said Twilight and Dr. Wolf didn't say anything except looking at the ceiling, hoping that Mrs. Wolf was alright.

To be continued...

Hello! Part one is now finished, now it's time for part two! Working on it right now! Be ready for it by tonight!

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