Ep 15: The Jewel of Cosmos

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Dr. Wolf, Twilight and their friends were on the train heading for the jungle. Ever since they had to fight to get their Elements of Harmony, Starry Flame's village was better than ever.

The train stopped and Twilight excited hopped off the train. "Oh, I can't wait to see Starry Flame again. It's been ages since we last seen her."

Dr. Wolf agreed. "Well, yeah. It's been forever since we had to save her village from that forest fire." He said and saw the village in the distance. "Hey, there it is!"

The village was covered in decorations. Streamers and balloons were tied to the buildings, making it look like a festival. Starry Flame was checking on the decorations, making sure everything was perfect.

"Starry Flame! We're here!" Called Twilight, getting the unicorn's attention.

Starry Flame turned around and smiled. "Twilight! I'm so glad you're all here." She said and hugged Twilight. "You're just in time for the festival."

"What kind of festival, Starry Flame?" Asked Pinkie Pie, as she tied a pair of balloons to a building.

"It's the Cosmic Festival. Every year, the village gathers in the town to wish on the stars that are passing tonight." Said Starry Flame and looked at the list in front of her. "However, we need the Jewel of Cosmos. It's what we use to wish upon the stars."

"Well, we can go find when we're done helping." Said Twilight and used her magic to hang a banner on Town Square.

"I can go get the Jewel, Starry. Do you know where it is?" Asked Dr. Wolf.

"It's in the temple that was found just a few years ago. But be careful, the temple will test anyone who goes inside." Said Starry Flame and Dr. Wolf nodded and left to grab the Jewel of Cosmos.

When Dr. Wolf got to the temple, he felt a strange aura coming from it, as if the temple was cursed.

Dr. Wolf looked at the entrance and gulped. He took a deep breath and went inside.

The doorway closed behind Dr. Wolf, trapping him inside. "Hey, open the door! Let me out of here!" He yelled, pounding on the door. He pounded his fist on the door, spraining it. "Ow! Aw, man. I'm trapped." Dr. Wolf looked around and saw a doorway ahead. "Looks like I have to find another way out."

Dr. Wolf walked into the hallway, going deep inside the temple. He walked around the temple, going through twists and turns. Dr. Wolf turned and walked into a dark room.

"This room needs some lights." Said Dr. Wolf and a ball of light appeared in his hands. The ball of light lit up the room and Dr. Wolf looked around. The room had two hallways. One had a light emitting from it, while the other had no light. But there was a third hallway, which was sealed up.

"I wonder why this one is sealed up." Said Dr. Wolf. He touched the sealed up hallway door and was hit by dark magic from behind. Dr. Wolf fell to the ground and winced in pain. "Ow! Who's there?"

A figure stepped out from the hallway where Dr. Wolf came and Twivine stood there, grinning evilly. "Hi, Doc. Miss me?"

Dr. Wolf groaned and got up. "Twivine, how did you get in here?" He asked and held up against the wall.

"Duh, I followed you! How else am I supposed to know where you and your friends go so I can attack you?" Said Twivine and looked around. "And where are your friends? Isn't the magic of friendship supposed to be your thing?"

"Twivine, you can't trust Hades. He's using you." Groaned Dr. Wolf as he slumped against the wall.

"Don't you dare talk about my dad that way!" Growled Twivine and shot dark magic at Dr. Wolf, making him hit against the wall. "My dad is always there for me. He would never use me!"

"Then why are you doing this? Don't you see what's happening to my home? I'm trying to stop Hades from destroying it!" Said Dr. Wolf and looked at emitting light from the open hallway next to him. "Open your eyes! If Hades is always there for you, why isn't he here now?"

"Because he's..." Twivine paused and thought for a moment. "I don't believe it. He wouldn't use me. I'm his daughter. If dads are supposed to be by your side then why? Why isn't he here to help me?" Tears swelled up in Twivine's eyes and streamed down her cheeks. "He was just using me. He never wanted me to rule by his side, he just wants to get rid of me."

Dr. Wolf sadly stared at Twivine and held out his hand. "Then start over. Make friends who will always be there for you. No one deserves to be alone, Twivine. Not even you. Come with me and help us defeat your dad."

Twivine looked at Dr. Wolf. Her dad was using her all this time. She didn't need Hades, he needed her. Twivine smiled happily and took ahold of Dr. Wolf's hand.

"Thank you, Dr. Wolf. I'm sorry I attacked you and your friends during that festival. Can you ever forgive me?" Asked Twivine.

Dr. Wolf smiled and hugged Twivine. "Of course. Everyone deserves a second chance, Twivine." A bright light lit from the hallway next to Dr. Wolf and Twivine. "Woah. What was that?"

The two entered the hallway and gasped. There, at the end of the hall, was a Jewel sparkling with bright colors.

"It's the Jewel of Cosmos. This is what Starry Flame needs for the Cosmic Festival." Said Dr. Wolf and walked to grab the the jewel, but Twivine stopped him. "Twivine, what are you doing?"

"Sorry. But when I left the lair, my dad said that you and your friends must not get the Jewel of Cosmos. It's another one of the relics you need to defeat him." Said Twivine and looked at the jewel. "We'll bring it to Starry Flame, but we need to tell her that you need it to defeat Hades."

"Are you sure? I don't want my friends thinking you put a spell on me to make you feel bad." Said Dr. Wolf and looked at the top of the room, there was a hole. "I'll explain everything to them when we get back."

Dr. Wolf grabbed the Jewel and Twivine flew out the top of the room, freeing her and Dr. Wolf from the dark temple.

At the village, the sun was going down and the stars started appearing in the sky. Starry Flame, Twilight and the others were waiting for Dr. Wolf and were worried about their friend.

"What if the booby traps killed him? We would have to go back to Ponyville and explain to Mrs. Wolf that Dr. Wolf died!" Panicked Twilight as she paced back and forth.

Starry Flame patted Twilight on the back to calm her down. "Twilight, calm down. I'm sure Dr. Wolf will be here any minute and will be holding... the Jewel of Cosmos while riding on Twivine's back?"

"Now that's just ridiculous. Why would Dr. Wolf be riding on Twivine's back?" Asked Twilight. "She's evil."

"Then tell that to her, because she's coming right now." Said Rainbow Dash, pointing towards the sky.

Twilight turned around and gasped. Dr. Wolf was actually on Twivine's back, heading for the village. Twilight growled and her unicorn horn lit up.

"Twilight, wait! Twivine's not gonna attack us!" Said Dr. Wolf as he jumped off Twivine's back and landed in front of the ponies. "She's on our side now."

"How can you tell she's not tricking us into thinking she is?" Asked Applejack.

"I would've attacked the second I landed. But I didn't." Said Twivine. "I've realized now that Hades was just using me. He never needed me. He just wanted me to do his dirty work." Twivine looked at Twilight and sighed. "And I was foolish enough to believe that he needed me. But he didn't. With all the goodness in my heart, I'm truly sorry."

Twilight glared at Twivine and walked up to her. Her horn stopped glowed and she smiled. "Welcome to the team, Twivine." Twilight pulled Twivine into a hug and everyone else joined in.

Meanwhile, King Hades had been watching the whole thing. "No! My daughter has turned against me!" He yelled as his blue mane lit on fire. "I'll destroy them! I'll destroy them all and get my hooves on Dr. Wolf's powers!"

Hello! I'm back! So, updates will be in the afternoon since I'm in school til three fifteen. So, every new episode will come on either around seven or eight! See you tomorrow!

The Adventures of Dr Wolf Season 3 (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora