Ep 16: Valley of the Wolves

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The sun was shining brightly as Dr. Wolf and Mrs. Wolf walked to the Ponyville Train Station, along with Amarok and Star behind them. The train's whistle blew and had only one minute for everyone to get on.

"Have fun, you three! Tell me all about it when you get back." Said Mrs. Wolf as she watched Amarok and Star get on the train.

"Wish you could come with, Mrs. Wolf. It would be fun for two Elemental Wolves coming to the Valley." Said Star and licked Amarok's cheek, making the wolf blush.

"Yeah. But someone has to keep an eye out for Hurricane and Kittwon. You never know when those two evil wolves will attack." Said Mrs. Wolf and kissed Dr. Wolf. "You have fun, honey. I'll have Twivine help me in case Hurricane and Kittwon attack."

Dr. Wolf hugged Mrs. Wolf and kissed her. "Be safe for me, my lady. I love you." He said and got on the train. The train started moving and disappeared in the distance.

Amarok looked out the window and smiled as the wind brushed against his fur. Butterflies flew by his head and Amarok poked his head back inside the coach.

"Oh, I can't wait to get back to the village. Shiny must have missed me over the years." Said Amarok and snuggled up next to Star.

"I'm glad you invited me to come to the Valley of Wolves, you two. I've been wanting to know about all about it." Said Dr. Wolf as the train stopped. "And who's Shiny, Amarok?"

"She's my sister. She absolutely loves it when I play hide and seek with her." Said Amarok and sniffed the air and caught a scent from nearby. "Speaking of Shiny, where is she?" Amarok followed the scent to a tree and looked around. Nobody was there. "Guess she's not here."

Suddenly, a green wolf jumped from the tree and pounced on Amarok, tackling him to the ground. "Amarok! Welcome home!"

"Shiny, what are you doing here? Did you know I was coming?" Asked Amarok as he got up.

"Actually, I was greeting ponies who were passing through the valley. I caught you scent and hid in this tree." Said Shiny and chuckled. She nuzzled her brother and saw Star and Dr. Wolf. "Oh, are these your friends?"

"Well, Star here is more than just a friend, he's my boyfriend. But Dr. Wolf here is very kind." Said Amarok and the two waved at Shiny. "Should we go to the village now?"

"Sure. Follow me, I'll take you there." Said Shiny and started to walk away. "Come on."

Dr. Wolf, Star and Amarok followed Shiny from the train station to a massive village. The buildings were hand built, the wolves all around were chatting and playing, even wolf pups ran after each other.

"Woah! This is more of a city than a village. Everything has changed since I left." Said Amarok and noticed the two story house in the distance. "Hey, it's our parents' house." Amarok rushed to the house, leaving Shiny, Dr. Wolf and Star in the dust.

"Mom, dad! I'm back!" Said Amarok as he entered the house. Two wolves poked their heads from the living room and pounced happily on their son.

"Amarok, you're back! Welcome home, sweetie." Said Amarok's mom as she nuzzled her son. "How have you been? Did you meet anyone when you left?"

"Well, yeah. I met two friends. Well, one is my boyfriend." Said Amarok and his mom gasped in excitement.

"My son, found his true love! Oh, where is he? We want to meet him." Said Amarok's dad as he wagged his tail.

"They're right here." Said Amarok as he turned around and saw the three wolves collapse on each other. "You three okay? You look out of breath."

"Well, you did run ahead of us, bro. We can hardly catch up with you." Said Shiny and smiled at her mom and dad. "Hi, mom and dad. This is Dr. Wolf and Star Howling. They're from Ponyville."

"Ponyville? Is that where you live now, Amarok?" Asked Amarok's dad. Amarok nodded and his dad smiled. "Well, it's a good thing you live in a village not so far away from us. We could have visit you."

"Well, technically the village is being protected by Dr. Wolf and his wife." Said Amarok and gasped. "Oh, Dr. Wolf here is also an Elemental Wolf."

Shiny gasped. "Really?! Then you could help us!" She said, bouncing up and down.

"Help us? What does she mean by that, Mom?" Asked Amarok.

Amarok's mom took a deep breath and looked at her husband. "Something happened after you left."

Amarok, Dr. Wolf, Star and Shiny followed the two wolves to a clearing where a bright blue jewel was weakly fading.

Amarok gasped. "What happened to the Wolf Stone?" He asked as he turned to his parents. "Mom, what happened to it?" Amarok's mom looked away in shame and his dad stepped forward.

"It happened awhile ago. After your mom and I were done hunting, darkness covered the village. It was hurting the plants and all of the village, then it struck the Wolf Stone." Said Amarok's dad. "It's been like this ever since, getting weaker every second."

Dr. Wolf looked at the stone and back at Amarok. "What happens if it's power fades?"

"If it's power fades, our village will be exposed to Hades." Said Amarok and gasped. "Wait, what if Hurricane is doing this? He could be the reason the Wolf Stone is like this."

"You finally figured it out." Said a voice.

Dr. Wolf heard the voice and got in front Amarok's parents, growling. "Hurricane, where are you?!"

A puff of black smoke swirled around in front of Dr. Wolf and Hurricane appeared. "I'm right here." He said and Dr. Wolf growled.

"Get away from the Wolf Stone. You're hurting the village!" Said Dr. Wolf and pulled out his sword.

"Like a demand is gonna make me leave. I'm just getting started!" Said Hurricane and lunged at Dr. Wolf, tackling him to the ground.

"Doc! Mom, we have to help him!" Said Shiny and heard Dr. Wolf scream. She turned around to see Hurricane sinking his sharp teeth into Dr. Wolf's leg. "Mom, dad, please!"

"Shiny's right. We have to help him! If the Elemental Wolf can protect Equestria, then we can protect him!" Said Amarok and his mom and dad smiled at each other. "Will you help?"

"Of course. We're family and we will protect Dr. Wolf." Said Amarok's mom and l
tackled Hurricane off Dr. Wolf. "You leave him alone!"

"Ugh, I am sick and tired of you wolves helping each other!" Said Hurricane and kicked Amarok's mom off him. "They're just predators, Dr. Wolf. They don't matter!"

Dr. Wolf groaned as he got up and held his sword in his hand. "Let me tell you something! Wolves may be dangerous, but they're not. Wolves like me, Amarok, Star and the rest of this village is not putting up with your nonsense!"

The Wolf Stone glowed brightly as Dr. Wolf transformed into his lightning form. "Leave now and never come back!" Dr. Wolf howled loudly and a strike of lightning hit Hurricane, sending him back to King Hades' lair.

Dr. Wolf transformed back and collapsed on Amarok, breathing heavily.

"Doc, are you okay?" Asked Amarok as he nuzzled his friend.

"I'm fine. I just need rest, that's all." Said Dr. Wolf and lied down next to the Wolf Stone and looked at the sky. "Whatever is coming for my home, I'll be ready."

Hello, I'm back and I'm glad with this episode. It might feel rushed, but I enjoy it. I feel like I will be done by September 29th, then the forth season will come out in March 2020 with thirteen episodes, go on hiatus and return in May. See you tomorrow!

The Adventures of Dr Wolf Season 3 (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora