Ep 22: Power of the Crystal Heart

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The train sped through the wintering storm as snow came down hard. The train slowly carefully came to a stop. Dr. Wolf, Twilight and Starlight Glimmer got off the train and a gust of wind blew away Dr. Wolf's scarf.

Twilight quickly grabbed it with her magic and wrapped it back on Dr. Wolf's neck. The three friends entered the Crystal Empire, covered in icicles, snow and pretty sure had frostbite.

Dr. Wolf took off his winter coat and shook off the snow and ice off him. "It's cold out there. Good thing the train didn't get delayed when we got on."

"Cold? More like Antarctica! Do you see my tail?" Asked Starlight and showed her tail to her two friends. Her tail was frozen as if it got dipped in an ice box. "It feels like a ice queen decided to come up to me and froze my tail in place."

"Well, it's always snowy here in the Crystal Empire. Not to mention the Ice Giants that keep trying to get in!" Said Twilight and looked to the side of the giant dome that protected the crystal city.

"What makes you think that?" Asked Dr. Wolf. Twilight pointed her hoof to the side and Dr. Wolf looked over. There, outside the shield, was an Ice Giant, pounding its large encased ice fist against the shield. "Okay. I see what you mean."

"Exactly. It's why we're here, to protect the Empire from the Ice Giants." Said Twilight as they entered the castle.

"But why? Isn't the Crystal Heart the reason it's protecting the Crystal Empire from these kind of creatures?" Asked Starlight as she trotted up next to Dr. Wolf.

"Because the Crystal Heart has become weakened. It's power to protect the Crystal Empire is slowly dying." Said Twilight and they came to the throne room door. "So, it's our job to get the Crystal Heart back to full power."

"But how? The last time I checked the heart was shattered because of Flurry Heart's shrill crying." Said Starlight and the throne room doors opened, allowing the three friends to go inside.

Princess Cadence sat in her throne with her daughter sitting right next to her. Cadence happily trotted up to Twilight and hugged her. "It's so good to have you three here. We've been having a lot of trouble for the past two days."

"Yeah. We got the message. Ice Giants are trying to break in the Crystal Empire. What can we do to help?" Said Dr. Wolf and Flurry Heart pounced on him happily. "Hi, Flurry Heart. Good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too, Doc. I'm glad you and my aunt are here to help us." Said Flurry Heart and got off Dr. Wolf.

"Uh, hello? I'm here too, ya know." Said Starlight and Flurry Heart turned around to face her. "Hi, Flurry Heart. Do you remember me?"

Flurry Heart thought for a moment and gasped. "Oh, Starlight! Of course I remember you! You're the one who encouraged Sunburst to fix the Crystal Heart." She said and hugged Starlight. "Hey, can you play with me? Because my dad is on duty right now."

"Of course! Lead the way, Princess Flurry Heart!" Said Starlight and followed Flurry Heart to her room.

Twilight watched the two ponies walked out of the room and disappeared around the corner. "While Starlight plays with Flurry Heart, Dr. Wolf and I will search for a way to restore the Crystal Heart's power."

"Thank you, Twilight. Now, hurry! I don't know how long my magic can hold off those giants." Said Cadence as her unicorn horn flickered.

Outside, the Ice Giants pounded their icy fists on the shield. The shield couldn't take the hit any longer. Cracks slowly formed on the shield and an opening formed.

The Ice Giants growled angrily and entered into the Empire through the hole in the shield.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Dr. Wolf ran through the library, searching every single book hoping to find a way to get the Crystal Heart's power back. Books were thrown from their shelves and onto the floor, with Twilight looking through everything.

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