Ep 9: The Treasure of Rainbow Dash

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Rainbow Dash happily hummed as she read her favorite books about her favorite idol, Daring Do. She was reading one of the most recent books, Daring Do and the Shadow Realm. Rainbow Dash had gone on adventures with Daring Do before and to be honest, she was really excited.

"Daring Do crept through the dark forest. She was hoping of going in the right direction." Said Rainbow Dash, before hearing a knock on her door. "Coming!" Rainbow Dash flew to the door and opened it. No pony was there except for a letter. "What's this?"

Rainbow Dash opened the letter and nearly fainted. It was a letter from Daring Do. She opened the letter and started to read.

Dear Rainbow Dash,
I'm having another adventure that will help me continue my books. This time, I going to find the treasure of the lost sisters. Two ponies that were separated at birth and found each other as friends, but when the sun settled on the third day, the two best friends were revealed to be sisters. I was hoping you come along on this one. Bring Dr. Wolf too.

Your best idol, Daring Do.

Rainbow Dash squealed with excitement! She and Dr. Wolf were invited to find treasure with Daring Do. She dropped the letter on her nightstand and flew out her front door.

"Dr. Wolf!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew into town. She looked around and spotted Twilight and landed in front of her.

Twilight jumped. "Rainbow Dash, don't do that!" She said and Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. But have you seen Dr. Wolf?" Asked Rainbow Dash, as she looked around.

"Actually, yeah. He said he was heading over to Rarity's house. Why?" Asked Twilight, before Rainbow Dash squealed.

"Daring Do has invited me and Dr. Wolf to come on one of her adventures!" Said Rainbow Dash and Twilight's jaw dropped. "Yeah! That was my reaction! Can you believe it?"

Twilight smiled with joy. "I can! Go find Doc so you two can go on your adventure!" She said and Rainbow Dash flew down the street.

Rainbow Dash headed for Rarity's house and spotted Dr. Wolf inside. "Doc! I have some big news!" She yelled. Dr. Wolf didn't hear her. Inside the boutique, DJ Pon-3 was blasting loud peaceful music and Dr. Wolf was folding the clothes that were all over the floor.

DJ stopped to go to the bathroom and loud thud came from behind Dr. Wolf.

Dr. Wolf looked behind him and saw Rainbow Dash's face pressed against the window. "My goodness. Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" He asked as he opened the window and Rainbow Dash fell inside.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Said Rainbow Dash and hugged Dr. Wolf. "But Daring Do has invited you and me to go on an adventure with her!"

Dr. Wolf gasped and smiled. "Really? What time does she want us there?" He asked and Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, let's go! She's probably waiting for us!" Dr. Wolf hopped on Rainbow Dash's back and the two flew toward the forest.

In the forest, Daring Do was pacing back and forth around her cottage, worried. "Where are they? Did they get kidnapped by Dr. Cabelleron? Or did some new artifact stealer capture them?" She said panicking. Her heart was racing and hoped that Dr. Wolf and Rainbow Dash were okay.

Suddenly, Daring Do heard a crashing sound from behind her. She turned around to see Rainbow Dash and Dr. Wolf stuck in a tree.

"Hey, you're here!" Said Daring Do, as she flew up and untangled Rainbow Dash from the vines. "I was so worried. For a moment, I thought you two were captured by Dr. Caballeron."

Dr. Wolf grabbed his sword and cut the vines that were holding him upside down. He landed on his feet and walked over to Daring Do. "Shall we get going, Miss Do?" He asked and Daring Do nodded.

"You know I'm ready!" Said Daring Do and gave Rainbow Dash a jab in the shoulder. "And don't call me Miss Do. Just call me Daring Do."

Dr. Wolf nodded and the three friends started their journey through the woods. The journey was treacherous and involved dangerous creatures.

The three friends crossed the Crimson Waste, the great oceans of Equestria and arrived in a village, where the ponies didn't have cutie marks.

"Let's fly over the village. The ponies here will go crazy if they saw our cutie marks." Said Daring Do, as Dr. Wolf climbed onto her back and the two Pegasus flew over the village without getting noticed.

They soon arrived in front of the temple.

"Ready? Because once we go in we can't come out!" Said Daring Do and took a few steps forward. She turned around. "Come on!"

"We're not going in." Said Rainbow Dash, as she took a step back.

"Traitors! I prepared you for adventure! I gave you inspiration! I am the who gave ponies fame!" Said Daring Do and she lunged at Rainbow Dash. "Come with me. We could rule Equestria together!"

"Who are you?! What did you do to the real Daring Do?!" Growled Dr. Wolf as he pulled out his sword.

"Aw, you mean her?" Said the fake Daring Do and pointed her hoof to the real Daring Do who was tied up.

"Rainbow Dash! Dr. Wolf! Get away from her! She's a imposter! A lumen!" Said Daring Do and the fake imposter of her transformed into its original form.

The lumen was dark creature of darkness made King Someday before he was banished to the northern waste to be imprisoned in ice. It was a small creature as the size of Spike. But just because it was small, didn't mean it could be dangerous.

The lumen lunged at Dr. Wolf and sank its sharp teeth into his arm. Dr. Wolf screamed and hit it against a tree causing it to flee and lung at Rainbow Dash.

"Did it just bite you?! It's bite contains poison, you could die!" Said Daring Do, but nothing happened. The lumen bit Dr. Wolf again. Nothing happened. "Ha! Take that you nasty monster! Dr. Wolf's immune to your bite!"

The lumen hissed and ran away into the forest, never to be seen again. Daring Do was untied by Rainbow Dash and hugged her.

"Thanks you two! I would've been dead if that thing bit me if you hadn't come along." Said Daring Do and looked Rainbow Dash.

"So, I guess there's no treasure of two lost sisters?" Asked Rainbow Dash and Daring Do shook her head.

"But there is treasure from your ancestors." Said Daring Do and she pulled out a lightning bolt necklace. "This necklace was passed down to your great grandfathers. I think you should have it."

Rainbow Dash smiled and put on the necklace and sighed. "I already have treasures here. I have you, Dr. Wolf and the rest of my friends." She said and hugged Daring Do. "And I hope one day, we'll defeat King Hades once and for all."

"Yeah. I hope we can defeat him together. Me and my lady are Elemental Wolves. And with the power of the Elements of Harmony, we will win." Said Dr. Wolf and hugged Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash smiled and looked at the sunset. "We should get back to Ponyville. Don't want anypony freaking out." She said and gave one last hug to Daring Do. "See you around, sister." Dr. Wolf hopped onto Rainbow Dash's back. The two friends flew into the air and disappeared into the sunset.

Sorry if this is late! I started on Wednesday, but didn't get to work on it! Sorry if this is rushed!

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