Ep 14: Super Sonic Rainboom

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"So, what happened when I disappeared?" Asked Rainbow Dash as she sat in her throne.

"Well, after you disappeared, we all thought you were dead." Said Dr. Wolf as tears filled his eyes. He was so glad that Rainbow Dash was back. Dr. Wolf jumped in Rainbow Dash's hooves and hugged her. "We missed you so much, Rainbow. Please, don't do that again."

Rainbow Dash sadly smiled and nuzzled Dr. Wolf. "Don't worry. This time I'm not going anywhere." She said and hugged back. Dr. Wolf broke the hug and wiped his tears. "So, what should we do now that I'm back?"

"Well, first of all, we should let all of Ponyville know that you weren't dead, so we don't cause panic." Said Applejack, placing her hat on Lightning Dust.

"I agree with Applejack. We should let everypony know Rainbow Dash isn't dead and is back." Said Twilight and looked at the Shield of Fire. "Then we continue our search for the relics that will help us defeat King Hades. Come on."

In the Town Square, Twilight had gathered all the ponies of Ponyville for an announcement.

"Attention, everypony! I have an announcement to make!" Said Twilight, in her royal Canterlot voice. "Rainbow Dash is alive! When we held that funeral, she wasn't gone. She was trapped inside the Shield of Fire."

The town gasped. They couldn't believe it.

"How do we know that it's the real Rainbow Dash and not a fake one?" Asked Octavia, as her black mane flowed against the breeze.

"Cause we holding a show just for her! Rainbow Dash, come on out!" Said Twilight and a blur of rainbow rushed passed her.

Rainbow Dash stopped in the air and smiled at the crowd. "Hello, Ponyville! Did you miss me?" She asked and the ponies cheered as they saw Rainbow Dash. "The show starts tonight around seven. See ya tonight!" Rainbow Dash rushed off toward her house and left a rainbow trail behind.

"So, should we get ready for the show?" Asked Dr. Wolf as Twilight came out of Town Hall.

"Yeah. Applejack and Pinkie Pie, you work on the pastries and pies. Dr. Wolf, Rarity and I will work on the decorations." Said Twilight. "We should get done around five if we get to work now."

At the Canterlot stadium, Twilight, Dr. Wolf and Rarity were setting up the decorations. Dr. Wolf hung up the banner, with some help from Twilight's magic. Rarity had set up the ticket booth. And Twilight made sure everything was on track.

"So, what do you think, Twilight?" Asked Rarity as she looked at the finished decorated stadium.

"It's perfect." Said Twilight as she smiled at the stadium.

"We're just in time, too. Looks like everyone is coming early." Said Dr. Wolf and looked at the entrance. Ponies were already lining up to get in for the show.

"I'll have Sunset take care of the tickets." Said Twilight and pulled out her magic journal.

"No need to do that! I'm already here." Said Sunset as she sat in the booth and started handing out tickets.

"Huh? Okay, then. Let's go see if Rainbow Dash is ready." Said Twilight and headed for the dressing room with Rarity and Dr. Wolf behind her.

Meanwhile, Twivine watched from afar on a nearby cloud. "So, Rainbow Dash is back. Well, I'm not letting this show happen." She said and took out a little ball of sparking magic. "This should help me defeat Dr. Wolf and take his powers."

Behind the curtains of the stage Rainbow Dash shook as she took a peek at the crowd. Everypony was there and it felt like being trapped inside the Shield of Fire again.

"Rainbow Dash, we're here for you. Don't be scared." Said Dr. Wolf and hugged the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash hugged back and took a deep breath. "Okay. Let's do this." She said and flew out into the stadium, wearing her Wonderbolts uniform. The stadium bursted into cheers, making Rainbow Dash feel more confident.

Rainbow Dash rushed up into the air, making the clouds turn into objects. She made the clouds into shapes and sizes.

Rainbow Dash thought of an idea and flew to Twilight. "I need to do my Sonic Rainboom to wow the crowd." She said and Twilight nodded. Rainbow Dash flew back into the stadium and flew upward.

Suddenly, a huge boom shook the stadium.

"What in the world was that?" Asked Dr. Wolf and looked to the side of the stadium. The smoke cleared to reveal Twivine, grinning at the crowd. "It's Twivine!"

Twilight gasped. "She's trying to ruin the show! Doc, you need to keep her busy!" She said and Dr. Wolf took out his sword. "Hold her off as long as you can until the show ends!"

Dr. Wolf nodded and jumped out the stage window, landing in front of Twivine. "Stop right now, Twivine! You're not ruining Rainbow Dash's show!" He said, pointing his sword at the evil pony.

Twivine chuckled. "Who said I was gonna ruin the show? I'm here for your powers!" She said and blasted a beam of dark magic at Dr. Wolf.

Dr. Wolf dodged and the beam of dark magic broke a tree nearby in half. "What the? How did you do that?!"

Twivine snickered. "Like I would tell you." She said and blasted Dr. Wolf into a tree, making him lose his sword. "And now to finish you and take your powers." Twivine laughed maniacally as Dr. Wolf looked at the stadium.

Come on, Rainbow Dash. I could really use some help. Thought Dr. Wolf and looked at Twivine, who was preparing to take his powers.

Rainbow Dash gasped and her eyes glowed in golden aura. "Twivine, you leave him alone!" She said and a burst of light blinded the entire stadium. Rainbow Dash flew high as she could and glared at Twivine.

"What is she doing?" Asked Twivine and looked at Dr. Wolf. "Are you responsible for this? Answer me!" Dr. Wolf whimpered and looked at Rainbow Dash. "Fine. Have it your way!" Twivine threw Dr. Wolf to the side and started to shock him.

Dr. Wolf screamed as pain rushed through his body, feeling his energy being drained.

Rainbow Dash shot down from the sky, going faster and faster. She was getting close to her Rainboom when she bursted right to it. She flew so fast that she hit into Twivine, making her stop draining Dr. Wolf's energy.

Twivine growled and stared as Rainbow Dash stood in front of her, glowing in a bright light. "No! I was close!" Twivine teleported away and Rainbow Dash stopped glowing.

Dr. Wolf groaned as he got up and collapsed in Rainbow Dash's hooves. "Thank you, Rainbow. I almost lost my powers if you haven't had saved me." He said, breathing heavily. "Has anyone seen my sword?"

"Found it!" Said Pinkie Pie and bounced to Dr. Wolf, giving him his sword.

"Thanks, Pinkie." Said Dr. Wolf and looked at the stadium. "You continue your show, Rainbow Dash. I need some rest."

Rainbow Dash nodded and placed Dr. Wolf in a nearby hammock. "I'll check on you when I'm done." Said Rainbow Dash. Dr. Wolf nodded and closed his eyes, falling peacefully asleep.

Back in King Hades' lair, Twivine threw her stuff to the ground. "Raugh! Why won't they give up?! The next time we meet, I'm not losing to a wolf or a pony ever again!" Twivine growled and screamed as dark magic swirled around the room, covering it in black smoke.

Hello! So, new episodes are coming starting today. Episode 15 will be out tomorrow night. See ya!

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