Ep 7: Power and Curse

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Dr. Wolf happily hummed as the water drenched his fur. He had a very long day helping Applejack build a power station for electricity to keep the lights from going out and had to take a shower when he got home.

Dr. Wolf turned off the water and got out. He wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. He grabbed his dark purple shirt and brown shorts and put them on.

Dr. Wolf sighed happily and walked downstairs to eat lunch. "Hello, my lady. What's for lunch?" He asked as he sat down in a chair.

"Your favorite. Chicken legs!" Said Mrs. Wolf and the smell of fried chicken hit Dr. Wolf's nose.

"Mmm. Smells good." Said Dr. Wolf, Mrs. Wolf sat the plate of food in front of him. He took a bite of his food and smiled.

"Good, isn't it?" Asked Mrs. Wolf and a letter slipped from under the door. Mrs. Wolf got up from her chair and walked to pick it up. "It's for you."

Dr. Wolf got up and opened the letter.

Dear Dr. Wolf,
I have found out what Twivine said at the friendship festival. The king she told you is Hades, a wicked king of hatred and violence. He used to be a good pony like us, but he was deceived for his out of control unicorn powers and vowed to seek revenge on the ponies of Equestria. If you get this, come to the castle immediately.

Dr. Wolf closed the letter and looked sadly at Mrs. Wolf. Mrs. Wolf smiled and kissed Dr. Wolf.

"Be safe, okay?" Asked Mrs. Wolf, and Dr. Wolf hugged her.

"I'll be back, okay?" Asked Dr. Wolf and Mrs. Wolf nodded. Dr. Wolf kissed his lady and ran toward the castle. "Please, make this quick a meeting."

Inside the castle, Twilight was pacing back and forth waiting for Dr. Wolf to arrive.

"Twilight, I got your letter and came as fast as I can!" Said Dr. Wolf as he burst into the throne room and stopped to catch his breath.

"Thanks for coming, Doc." Said Twilight as she grabbed the book that held the history of King Hades with her magic. "This is the book that holds all history of King Hades."

Dr. Wolf looked at the cover and almost had a heart attack. The cover was a symbol of blue fire with souls surrounding the letters of the book.

"Doc, are you okay?" Asked Twilight, putting her hoof on Dr. Wolf's shoulder and snapping him back into reality. 

Dr. Wolf shook his head. "Yeah. I'm fine." He said and looked away from the book. The book gave him bad vibes in his stomach and made him want to be sick. "We shouldn't open the book!"

Twilight gasped and turned to Dr. Wolf in shock. "Why not? We could learn to defeat King Hades, Dr. Wolf." She said as she was about pick up the book and open it.

"No, Twilight. We shouldn't open it! Plus, I don't like the vibes coming  from it! We can't open the book!" Said Dr. Wolf, worried about Twilight's safety.

"I'm opening this book, Dr. Wolf and it's gonna help us defeat King Hades!" Said Twilight as she opened the book and sparks of dark magic flew from it.

"Twilight, no!" Yelled Dr. Wolf as he pushed Twilight out of the way. A spark of dark magic shot from the book and hit Dr. Wolf in the chest.

"Doc!" Yelled Twilight as more sparks came from the book. Twilight got up and forced the book closed. Twilight turned around to see Dr. Wolf laying on the floor. "Dr. Wolf, are you okay?"

Dr. Wolf rose up, coughing. "Yeah. I'm fine. But why didn't you listen to me? You know dark magic could've hurt you." He said as little sparks flew from his chest. "You have to be careful with what you read, even if it contains dark magic or not."

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