Chapter 3: Back to the future

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Monel entered the legion ship.

He stood by the view window as the ship began to depart, while he listened to Imra chatting away to Brainy.
Trying not to smile, but then he knew he had a reason to not smile. He knew what was going on in the future but still decided to stay in the 21st century.
Everything sunk in what he was leaving behind. But then he remembered Kara and all his doubts drowned away.
Imra walked up behind him "you're comming back?" Imra questioned him.

"Yes, well no, I'm sorry but I'm gonna stay in the 21st century, just need to sort some stuff out".

"Okay, I'm glad you're happy, I know this is difficult for you but you have to follow you're heart".
Brainy called out in the background "We will be entering the time disruption in 300-t seconds."
"It will take us approximately 3 years in human time to reach 3026.

"Where is winn?"
"Oh did you guys want to talk I already put him in hyper sleep". Imra told Monel

Monel decided to take a nap or rather hibernate in hyper sleep to clear his head.He removed his supersuit and put on a t-shirt and black Jean's before climbing into the cramped cylindrical tube.
The sensors light switched to blue. Monel stood upstraight as the door closed automatically and a blue thick glowing liquid began to fill the tube exponentially. It was supposed to keep them asleep, sort of like freezing yourself but without the cold and pain, although the blue liquid was rising ready to swallow Monel's face. Monel clenched his mouth shut to not swallow the liquid, eventhough as presumed a second later the liquid shot up his nose stinging his upper nasal and began pumping through his veins.
5 seconds left before he could lose all consciousness.
He twitched his eyes slowly watching a blur of Imra standing near her own hyper sleep pod fade into nothing.

4 seconds, he started to feel a tinge in his head, at first somewhat painful and then he felt lighter, like a feather but even more than that.

3...his face pale and white, consumed by the blue liquid pumping through his cheeks, eventually he would look like brainy. All blue.

2..he wanted his last thoughts to be Kara, so there she was pictured like a goddess in his mind, in all white walking through a golden wheat field.

1...he couldn't hold onto reality any longer, so after a moment and one last thought of the girl who waited, he drifted of into sleep.

The ship was moving gradually yet at light speeds through the time portal.
Brainy was last to go into hyper sleep, before he could he had to make sure all engines were running smoothly, in use hypersleep pods wouldn't malfunction during the years and the course for the future would not be disrupted.

By the end of the day Brainy too, went into hyper sleep.

2019 Present Day

"KARA!" snapper yelled.
Kara was just getting back into CATCO and her daily work process after beating Reign and the world killers.

She really did love her job but at times tike these when Snapper was in a bad mood, not so much.

Kara rushed into Snapper's office.

He began; "I'm sick and tired of all you reporters writing up complete trash..."
He paused
"I‐I'm so-rr-" Kara began to stutter.
"But this Kara, this is good".
He waved a new report with the title
'It's not Riegning anymore'
With the by line reading "Kara Danvers".
Kara was shocked, "I'm glad you liked it."
She smiled.

On the Legion ship

Brainy had already woken up and had been working on the ship, when something collided with the side of the ship, however everything was still working perfectly and it was time to wake up the others, first Imra, he drained her pod before pulling her out of the hypersleep chamber and placing her in the med bay.

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