"Go check on your sister, see how she's doing, eh?"

"Sure thing dad." Logan nodded, he jogged up the stairs.

"Bad at expressing herself... should we be worried Dem?" I contorted my face.

"How bad? Through words? Or just completely? I don't know what to think. I don't want to categorize her, as something that she's not. I don't want to scare her away."

"Let's just observe her for right now." He hugged me, engulfing me in his warm loving embrace. "It's gonna be okay," he kissed my lips tenderly.


"Knock, knock!" I said as I stood outside of Lilyana's door.

"Come in!" She chimed with a chuckle

"Hey kiddo," I scratched my head, acting like a socially awkward nerd, just to see my little angel smile. "How are you feeling?" I sat down on the edge of her bed that's near her desk, where she was seated.

"Um, substantially better," she gave me a quirky smile.

"What are you working on, it's summer?" I lifted a single eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be partying hard with your peers?" She giggled.

"Well since you insisted.." her voice trailed off as worry filled my heart, "My friends Evie Lynne and Ashtyn are having a 4th of July cook out, can we go? I've never been before." She had the cutest puppy dog face of all time. Oh goodness gracious she's gonna be the death of me.

"Okay, it's a yes from me, let's just make sure mom doesn't have any plans that day, because she's one busy woman." She jumped in my lap squeezing the bejesus out of me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She kissed my cheek between each thank you, she pulled out her phone while squealing.

To group: MY DAD SAID YES!!! Let's just hope my mom does to! Let's keep our fingers crossed.  

My smile spread across my face like a wild fire, she called me her dad.

"Why are you smiling so big, you big goof?" She pushed my shoulder.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Her look read, I'm watching you. "What are you doing?"

"Just writing."

"Watcha ya writing? Mind sharing?"

"It's nothing much it's just a poem, and it's not done yet, so don't laugh." She handed me the paper.

Lead Me Out Of The Dark

It's not quite a mystery. I'm the one who's insecure, the one that makes believe, that it's all okay, and I'm doing fine, when I'm fighting just to stay alive, with a fragile state of mind, that I can't quite survive.


Without a doubt, I need help. I know what I've done wrong.


The only way out of here is the way I've avoided for all these years. There's so many things I wanna say, but there's too many things still in the way. I'm lost, please help me find my place. Please lead me out of the dark.


I'm moving on, I promise change, and I swear today, I'll be a better. I'll be who I was then.


It's been too many long years, I can't change the past, I've shed so many tears, I can't believe I've lasted this long. I see now that I'm wrong.


The only way out of here is the way I've avoided for all my life. There's so many things I wanna say, but there's too many things still in the way. I'm lost, please help me find my place. Please lead me out of the dark.


"Wow, Lily this is deep. And amazing. I didn't know you were such an amazing writer." She blushed deeply.

"You actually like it?" She asked with her head down, her eyes glued to her feet.

"Like it? I loved it. It spoke to me." She threw her arms around me, her head nuzzled into my lower chest.



I think that father daughter relationship is cute, am I the only one who thinks so. lol yeah? Anywho, this won't be just about Lilyana. Once school starts the attention will turn and it'll be 50 / 50. And it'll be a real story from then on.

Warning you will probably dislike one of the twins as the story progresses. ((:

And I updated just for you Kelsey.

Since Halloween is tomorrow and in less than 3 hours, I'll just say it.


Technically hallows eve but whatever. Do you, have fun, and stay safe!

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