Chapter 14

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"Wakey wakey eggs and bacy.." I shook Lilyana slightly. "Get up sweetie, it's time for breakfast." A groggy sound escaped her lips, I wasn't clear on what she said because she had her face stuffed into a pillow, muffling her voice. "What was that?" I inquired.

"But I'm not hungry." My heart instantly dropped. Even though the doctor told me she wouldn't have much of an appetite, I still worry. She was small for her age, and I'd never actually seen her eat. "Can't I just sleep?"  She stuck out her bottom lip, giving the cutest pouty face I'd ever witnessed.

"Don't even with that face, I'd love to jump into bed with you and sleep all day but it's doctor's orders that you eat at least 5 times a day for the next few weeks." Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head.

"But mom! I'm really not hungry" she raised her voice.

"Calm down baby, it's nothing much ok. The foods not gonna hurt you, you'll be fine." I pulled her out of bed. "Can we enjoy our first family meal... can you at least pretend to be happy about it?" She forced a miniature smile on her face. "Let's go beautiful" I took her hand in mine and led her into the dining area where we are going to have our first family breakfast.

"Do normal families do this?" Logan asked.

"Uhh, I wouldn't know the first thing about normal families." I giggled handing Lilyana a bowl of oatmeal with fruits, toast and bacon on the side. She slowly ate the bacon in little bites, drinking her orange juice between each bite. As conversation carried on, Lilyana was so wrapped up in her meal, so focused on nibbling on her grapes and apple slices, I don't think she remembers, that she's surrounded by people. "Hey Lil, you okay baby?" She instantly snapped out of her trance. Forcing a smile on her lips. She nodded. "You haven't touched your oatmeal or toast baby"

"She's not a toast type of girl," Logan reached over to her plate grabbing the slightly burnt bread slices off her plate taking a bite into them. She smiled up at him.

"Boys will be boys huh?" I scoffed at his manly manner. He smirked with his killer smile, oh how I loved my little man. I looked over at Lilyana slowly eating her oatmeal with a queasy expression plastered on her face.

"Uh, can I be excused?" She grunted. I barely shook my head before she sprinted off upstairs.

"What's going on with her?" My puzzled expression caused my husband to kiss my wrinkled forehead.

"It depends on what you put in her oatmeal," he took another bite of his toast.

"Because that's not a weird question." He rolled his eyes playfully, "Um, oats obviously. Cinnamon, vanilla extract, sugar, cream, a dash of salt, it really makes the flavor pop. Oh yeah and milk."

"Ding ding ding we have a winner." I shot him a confused look. "She's partially lactose intolerant."

"Partially? How partial is partially?"

"She can't stomach regular ice cream but she can with frozen yogurt and low-fat ice cream. 1% milk and 2% if it's flavored."

"I used whole..."

"Well then she's puking out her guts right now."

"Why wasn't that in her file? That's something pretty important to know."

"If they added it, then by law they'd have to buy her special milk and lactaid pills. They didn't want to pay the extra, for her."

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

"She's scared of people, deathly allergic to all types of nuts, breaks out in hives when she's anywhere near buckwheat and coconut. Oh yeah and she has this thing where she doesn't express herself nor does she know how to. And that's pretty much it." Nick patted Logan's back,

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