Part 3

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The next day, Anna was late for school. She was lost in her own thoughts and kept asking herself as to what made her do that yesterday. She knew it was wrong. But for some reasons, she couldn't get him out of her head. She wanted him. Inside.

She came back to reality as Angela threw a book on her.
"What in the actual fuc- ", she cried.
"Yo, if you've stopped dreaming can we fucking go to P.E class? "
"Do you think I should text him? ", I sighed.
"Bro, If you don't forget about that bastard, I will literally rip your brain out." Angela rolled her eyes.

They were interrupted by the bell. Anna sighed again and took her leggings and the ball. She always plays volleyball to get something out of her head. Eric was just a mere person.

Before leaving the class, her phone buzzes. Disappointement washes over her when she gets the notification about Eric updating his ig story.
She felt curious and decides to open it.
There he is, standing like a greek god.
And besides is a blonde. Hugging him.

She nearly screams and is about to throw her mobile on the wall.

She thought to herself. Who the fuck is that blonde?
Is she his girlfriend? Shit this can't be happening.
Or she can be his sister?
Does he still think about me?

She lets out a sigh again as she tries to hide her jealousy. She had to forget him. She had to.

Eric's POV

I'm not comfortable. I have never been like this. Who the fuck is that girl?
Only thing I know about her is that she ain't like the other girls.
The way we chatted. I have never connected with someone on this level before. She makes me feel another type of way. The " I would fight with the whole world for her" shit. And I didn't even meet her yet.
I don't know what she looks like in real but I can't fucking deny that she's so beautiful in her pictures.

Her brown eyes, her incredible curvy body, her eyelashes, the way she talks, how she adds lmao at the end of every sentence....

I'm back to reality as the teacher shouts my fucking name for the 3rd time.

"Mr Eric, would you like to concentrate in class? ", the teacher rolled her eyes.

I would love to make Anna roll her eyes while she screams my name.
What the fuck has she done to me?

I'm already really hard just by the thought of her.
My huge bulge is visible while I walk the corridors when class ends.
Everyone is staring but I don't freaking care.
I need to talk to her. I need her.

I have been avoiding her for the past few days because I don't like it when a girl controls me. Or  my thoughts.

And she has been on my head since forever. I even fucked one of my hoes to forget her. But I need only her. I can't get her out of my head and It's killing me.

I can't take it anymore.

I take out my phone and search for her name on Ig hoping she didn't forget me. Oh well even if she  did, I will make her remember me. That's all good.

I nearly pound my fist on the wall when I proceed to watch her story. She's sitting on some motherfucker's lap, being all happy and shit.

" Yo man wassup!!! ", you coming to the game tonight right? " , my friend Kev exclaims.

I try hard not to punch him on his face. My fucking Anna is sitting on someone's lap and he's here fucking with me while I'm on my edge.

"Fuck off", Kev rolls his eyes and tell me not to forget about the strippers that are going to come.

I don't care about strippers, I need only her.

I look at her picture again and without realising it , I reply to her story and ask her who the fuck is that guy.

Then it hits me that I don't even know her and I procceed to delete the message but she's faster than me.

I swear if that dork is her boyfriend, I'll beat his ass. I don't have a reason but I will fucking kill anyone who comes close to my Anna.


She starts typing and I know she's going kill me for asking her that.
I wait for atleast 2 minutes and she hasn't replied yet. Great fucking job Eric.

Now she'll be pissed at me.
And I don't fucking care.

I put my phone in my bag and grab my things for the game tonight.

If she doesn't reply, I'm going to find her in her own fucking town. She's mine.

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