Chapter 31 - A Fuming Asmat

Start from the beginning

I could hear voices coming from outside and it was Aaliyan's voice; I could recognize it in a thousand voices. He was talking to someone strictly. My ears stood up like a rabbit's. He was speaking in Urdu but I could make out most of the things until they were not difficult words.

He was saying, "Don't disturb her but you won't leave this chair, never, but if you do, call someone else to sit here. She does not like nagging so do not go inside until called. Make her eat her food and medicines on time. And...take care of her, understood?"

I was smiling softly throughout, warm feelings bloomed in my heart as a sunflower blooms when sees the sun. The knock on the door made me come out of my trance, I replaced the smile with a flat face.

"Come in."

It was Aaliyan, entering with his usual mesmerizing fragrance, in a grey suit, he looked fresh enough to be eaten raw. I jerked my head. Stupid Musca!

"These are your medicines," he gave me a paper bag. However, he had some packets in his hand from which he was taking the tablets out. He went to the bedside table and filled a glass with water. Coming to me, he gave me the pills and the water. I swallowed them with water.

"I'm going to work, I'll be back in the evening, Jannat is outside, call her if you need her."

I nodded.

"Is the pain too much?" he asked, worried seeing me so silent. I shook my head. "Do you need anything?"

I nodded. "Take me to the balcony." Like two years old kid I raised my arms for him to pick me up. He didn't waste a second and picked me up. He walked us to the balcony, putting me on the chair, he took my feet in his hands carefully and placed them on the table.

"I need coffee, my phone and there's a book in the right bedside tables' drawer, that," I ordered with the glory of a queen. Aaliyan didn't say anything, he seemed okay to be getting orders from me. He went away and came back with my phone and the book.

"Don't read this," he said, giving me the book.

"Why?" I was amazed. Asmat gave it to me. She was praising it so much and she said, it was spiritual and I would fall in love with the book, luckily it was the English version of it.

"Urdu writers don't write about normal people, their characters are from Mars and Jupiter, no one is as perfect as Jihan Sikandar and Salar Sikandar."

I smiled, dying to tell him, that you're Aaliyan you're. However, I stayed quiet.

"I'm going," he said. I tilted my head and nodded. "You can call me if you need me."

I again nodded. It was obvious in his hopeful eyes that he wanted me to stop him and ask him to stay. But, I was not the old Musca, now I was his cousin too.

"Okay," with a sad expression he left. I sighed and stared at the huge garden before me and at the end of it; there was a construction site, where men worked with iron and cement, it was so noisy. I cursed at myself; I forgot to ask for headphones or earplugs.

I turned my head to shout at Jannat but I got startled. Aaliyan Haider was standing there, with headphones in one hand and earplugs in other. The struggle with I controlled and hid my smile deserved to be noted in history.


The doctor was right, the other two days, I was burning in fever and my body ached as if I was an old leaf crushing by someone's foot, my bones were breaking. I was restless, anxious and angry all the time. I was fed up of lying on my bed, in my room for four days now. I had not got out and I was already feeling insane.

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