Chapter 1

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I walked into the airport knowing that i was leaving my life, my friends, my everything behind. I was giving my parents the silent treatment, and they knew that i didn't want to move but my opinion was irrelevant to them. My boarding number was called and I sat as far away from my parents as I could. When I found my seat I realized that the plane would be taking off and I would be trapped in this plane for over 25hours.

"Welcome passengers, your flight to Melbourne,Australia will be taking off momentarily."

I look out the window and take my last glimpse of New York. I put my Ear Phone's in and try to get comfortable, my eyes started to get heavy and blackness soon took over. I woke up and nearly jumped out of my seat the only thing holding me down was my seat belt, the plane was hitting unsuspected turbulence. I checked my phone and I was asleep for 6hours. Only 19 hours to go...

While i'm stuck on this boring plane for another 19 hours let me introduce myself. My names Cher Lloyd, I was born in England but i was raised in New York. I have long brown hair, brown eyes and I'm 5'4" tall. I'm 17years old and I love getting tattoo's I currently have 19 and I love every single one of them. My family is moving to Melbourne Australia for certain reasons that you'll find out later. I live with my mom, dad, my brother Josh and my two sisters Rose and Sophia.

My iPhone battery is already half dead and there is still another 16 hours to go..Great.  By now it was already 10am and they started to serve breakfast. When the lady started taking my order I wasn't really hungry but who knows when the next time ill get the opportunity to eat will be. I ordered a bowl of cereal without milk and continued listening to music.

The plane finally landed, and it was almost as bad as taking the subway in NYC. When I got off the plane I went to the baggage claim and gathered all my suitcases. I waited outside as my family made there way over to me. We were greeted by the moving truck and filled it with our many suitcases, all our furniture was already delivered. We called a cab and headed to our new house. As we pulled up my sibling were excited to see the new house... my feelings were neutral.

My Mom showed me to my room, all my furniture was already set up but my walls were bare and it was so unpersonalized. I couldn't be batherd, I put on a T-shirt and shorts and crawled under my blanket and quickly feel asleep.


                                                                        ~Author's Note~

Hi guys! So this is my first fanfiction ever so please no hate! I know that Cher is from England and has never lived in America but I live in New York so I just wanted America to be incoporated cause I probably use different slang then people from Australia and plus they call it fanfiction for a reason!. Don't Worry the Janoskians will be introduced in the next couple of chapters!

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