Author's Note

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Gaaaah, I keep opening Shakespeare and trying to edit it... But no more! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second book in the Shakespeare Universe: Tenebrous! (round of applause echoes through the crowd) Thank you, thank you!

Now, I say it in the first paragraph, but for safety reasons I will say it one more time. This is the second book in the Shakespeare Universe. So all of you who are here for the first time and have no clue what Shakespeare is (and no, I am not talking about William Shakespeare the English playwright), I would highly suggest going to read the first book. If you start with this one you will be very much confused. If you do choose to go over there and read that first, I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you here soon.

Now, all of you returning readers. Welcome back! Man it's been a while hasn't it? It feels like it was just yesterday that I finished Shakespeare!

The notes I have for all of you are just some simple warnings so you don't get confused as you enter the world of Little Big Family while they're members of the first Order of the Phoenix. 

Shakespeare was primarily focused on character bulding and creating the bonds between the group of friends we will follow in this book. Yes, there are some new characters within this book too, and some who aren't new but we still have to get to know (*cough* Carmichael *cough*) and all that will be done. But in its main essence Tenebrous is different from Shakespeare. While it picks up only a couple of days after the events of the last Shakespeare chapter, this book will focus more on the plot and the action, and it will be a bit more fast paced. 

Sometime that will render the canon timeline a bit unclear, but that's the point as I will also be changing when certain things happen. But don't worry, and changes from canon you will be warned about.

And that's it for now I think! I just wanted to put some of those things out there before you all dive into the First Wizarding War. I hope you enjoy this book and I look forward to hearing your opinions, seeing your comments and just interacting with you guys in general.

And now onwards you go!!!

P.S. I know this story is finished but I will still put here a bit I put into every one of my introductory author's notes so people know and are aware for when they perhaps reach the still ongoing books.

I also want to disscuss updates and a bit of Wattpad etiquette that goes in hand with them. I'm not a person with a schedule, I write when I am inspired and when I want to. Sometimes, that may result in very slow updates. Another thing that may result in very slow updates is comments like "Please update/When will you update/Update soon/etc." Shortly, all update asking and begging types of comments. I personally dislike these very much, even when they're sent with good intentions (you want to show you love the story and can't wait for more). Very often when receiving these comments I'm not flattered, but infuriated and my inspiration diminishes. So please, don't ask me and beg for updates, that doesn't work and might just make the wait longer.

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