
It had been a week since Felix and I had been brought to the police station. Officer Hill hadn't followed up with his threat of coming to my office. From what I can assume he was probably pulled from the case, and maybe that was for the best. A feeling of pity went through me as I realized how hurt and angry he must have been, he just wanted justice for his wife and I didn't blame him. 

At the moment I was in my office finishing my last appointment. I was collecting my stuff before heading home, I had caught up on all the work I was behind thanks to Felix. As I locked up my mind drifted to him, he had been acting different lately and seem distracted from work. We were trying to find someone for the nurse position but we didn't have much luck. It also didn't feel right, her murderer hadn't been found yet so it felt wrong to try and replace her so soon. But my mind quickly brought up the many sick people at the center who can't afford medical bills. I shook the conflicting thoughts in my head and started my car before driving home.

I unlock my front door and am welcomed to Max putting his paw in the air dancing around me in excitement. I pick him up and cuddle with him before getting his toy. I played a bit of fetch with him before my phone starting ringing. 

"Hey babe. You on your way? I cant wait to see what you got planned for tonight." I say as I answer Mark's call. 

"Hey baby, I'm sorry but I won't be home soon. I know you wanted me to cook for us tonight but a customer showed up at the last minute. My boss wants me to stay and fix his car."

"Oh okay. How long are you going to be there?" 

"Probably till nine." 

"Nine? Mark no, we had plans today. You were supposed to cook tonight." I say as a hint of sadness was laced in my voice. I understand that his work was demanding sometimes but I was really hoping to spend some quality time with him, especially today.  

"Babe I can cook for you any other day. This is a good opportunity and extra money for me and-"

"Wait, you mean you had a choice?"

"Well yeah-" 

"Mark are you serious. Do you know what today is?" 

"It's the twenty-eight?"  I waited for the realization to hit Mark and a couple of seconds later he starts cursing. He immediately began to apologize and I just sighed heavily and said I'd see him later before hanging up. Part of me knew I should let go of the anger but my feelings were really hurt, it was hard to get over it right now. I sat down and bawled my fists on my sides as anger was coursing through my veins. I wanted to scream and throw shit out of frustration. I may be overreacting but I never have quality time with Mark anymore. We work at separate times and only see each other at night, even then it's only for a few hours since I work early. I let out a shaky breath as I ran my fingers through my hair and get up, yanking my keys off the stand before walking out the door.

I pulled up at The Center and sighed as I got out of my car. I made my way towards the front and walked to my office, earning stares from people. I told the staff and volunteers I'd be off today so they were probably confused in seeing me. However, I decided the best way to get over it was to bury my head in work. I logged into my computer and started looking at applications for the nurse position. I hear my door open and look up to see Kendall looking at me, he cautiously approaches me. 

"Yes?" I say as I get up and walk towards him, he looked concerned. 

"Brianna, I thought you were off today." He said in a way of a statement rather than a question. 

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