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*Ryder's POV*

I'm so fucking nervous. 

Tonight is the night and I just want everything to be perfect for my perfect angel. These past five years have been amazing and I have found a new reason to be in love with Leigh ever day. We have had our moments, where I would sleep on the couch for a night or two because of an argument, but we always moved past it. Nothing a little fun in the bedroom can't fix ;-).

I am finally going to do what I promised my angel all those years ago in her bathroom, I'm going to put a big ass diamond on her sexy little finger. We already live together in an apartment that we began renting when we were juniors in college. Now I am working as an engineer and my sweet angel is working at as an editor for a newspaper in the city. 

She has really come a long way. Five years ago a part of her was lost when all that bad shit happened and we have been trying to get it back. She is stronger than she was before and I can't express how proud I am of her. She still has nightmares sometimes and she sees a counselor for the PTSD. I just try to be as supportive and caring as I can because I know she deserves so much better than dealing with all that trauma. 

It took a while for me to stop feeling so guilty about it all. There is no question that it was my fault if I didn't bring her into my life she never would have had to experience that, but I also would have never found happiness. Leigh had to spend years convincing me to stop taking the blame and I finally have, which is why I have decided to propose to her now. The guilt was weighing me down and I knew I couldn't promise her in marriage until I didn't carry that burden with me. 


I'm so fucking nervous. 

Here I am in the bathroom where I'm supposed to be getting ready to go out with Ryder with a stick I just pissed on waiting for the stupid words to appear. 

I never really gave much thought about having kids, I knew I would want them in the future, but I guess that future just came up a little quicker than expected. I have been feeling nauseous and have been vomiting for two weeks now. At first, I thought it was just a stomach bug, but then I missed my period and well now here I am. I honestly don't know how to feel about the results, on one hand, I would love to have a baby with the man I love. And we are in a good spot in our lives right now, we both have decent jobs, our mental health has been getting better, and our love is still very much ignited. On the other hand, I'm fucking terrified. What if I'm a bad mom? What if Ryder doesn't even want kids right now? Oh my god I'm going to have to be a single mother I can't do that I can barely function myself on my own. Oh my god I'm going to get so fat Ryder won't even want to-----


My phone alarm brings me out of my inner panic and now I'm shaking. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I take the test in my hands. It's a good thing these things have that cover to put on the end because I would not want to touch my own piss stick. Shit. Get it together Leigh, stop getting distracted. With one final breath, I look down and tears are instantly lining my cheeks. 


I really have a whole ass baby growing inside me. I just sit there with a smile on my face and a hand on my stomach looking down at the test. 

"Leigh are you in there? You need to get ready for tonight," Sam says before opening the door. 

"Jesus Leigh, what happened, are you okay?" She asks me and I just look up to her with my big smile and hand her the test. Her eyes widen and she squeals and jumps up and down.

"I'm going to be an aunty!!!" She yells and suffocates me in a hug. We sit like that for a few minutes until she checks the time. "Shit bitch we got to get you ready or Ryder is going to stab my taint," Sam says while picking us both up from the floor. 

In the hour we had to get me ready Sam did my hair and makeup and I slipped on a cute little white dress that reached just above my knees and had long sleeves. With one final check in the mirror and rub of my belly, I am out the door following Sam who knows the plan for tonight whereas I have no clue. 

When the car finally stops I look around the dark scene in front of me that feels vaguely familiar. Sam opens the door with a bow making me laugh and clicks a remote she had in her hand. Lights illuminate a pathway into the woods and it looks beautiful. She pushes me along and tells me to follow the lights. I do as I'm told and feel nerves flutter in my stomach as I walk. 

When I reach the end my mouth drops in awe at what I see. There are small lights hanging from trees around a clearing by a cliff and my sexy ass boyfriend is standing in the middle looking as delicious as always. I can see his eyes light up when he sees me and we both start taking steps towards each other. 

"You look, beautiful angel," Ryder whispers to me when we reach each other. More lights flicker on around us and I then I remember where we are, the cliff Ryder took me to after that stupid high school party and where we shared our first kiss. I spin around to take in the scene around me and when I turn back to Ryder he is on one knee in front of me. I gasp and tears start cascading down my face.

"Kayleigha Richards, I fell in love with you the second I looked into your gorgeous green eyes in that high school hallway. You enchanted me with your beauty and when I got to know you I fell so completely in love with you I knew there was no turning back. I have never been so happy than the times I have been with you. I honestly probably would have proposed to you the day we met, but I realized that might have scared you off, so I waited. Then all that shit happened and I wanted to be the best version of myself when I would finally ask for you to be my wife. I think I have achieved that now, with your help of course, so my beautiful angel, will you do me the honor and accept my proposal so I can finally call you my wife?" Ryder says with so much emotion and passion. 

Tears are flowing and I can't even use words in my current state, so I just nod. He slips the beautiful ring on my finger and embraces me and kisses me with so much love. I didn't know how happy this man could make me when I first saw him and now he has given me the best day of my life. I find out I'm pregnant with his child and he proposes. That's when I realize I should probably tell him my news. 

"Ryder, I love you so fucking much. I think we need to start looking at getting a house so we can fit our growing family," I say to him while placing a hand on my tummy. 

He stares at me with wide eyes and an open mouth while tears are threatening to escape his eyes. "You're pregnant?" He asks in a shaky voice. I nod my head. He embraces me and spins me around. 

"I'm going to be a dad!" He yells and covers my face with kisses. 

We spent the rest of the night at the cliff, just me and the bad boy. 

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