Chapter 7

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*Leigh's POV*

We have been driving in silence for the past half hour, but it's not an uncomfortable silence. The music is playing quietly and the ride is so peaceful. 

A few times I have looked over to Ryder only to see he was already looking at me. When we meet each other's eyes we both look away, me with my face on fire from the blush and Ryder's face tinted with a bit of red. I didn't expect the bad boy to blush, but it gives me a sense of satisfaction to know I am not the only one affected by our closeness. 

I know I should've been more cautious when Ryder brought me to his car. Maybe tell Sam where I am in case something happens to me because I don't even know this guy and here we are driving to an undisclosed secondary location. I know I should be nervous especially with the events from last night, but for some reason, I feel safe with Ryder and honestly, I don't know if I should just accept that or be terrified. 

Ryder pulled down a dirt road covered by leaves and moss. 

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I ask Ryder, half-jokingly. 

Ryder laughs in response and goddamn if that isn't the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. 

"No, I'm not going to kill you, angel," Ryder started out with a smile, "I will never hurt you, Leigh, I promise you that," he ended his sentence with a stone cold serious expression staring into my eyes. 

I quickly avert my gaze, now a bit uncomfortable, and nod my head. 

As I take in my surroundings, I didn't realize Ryder had stopped the car and got out until he came over to open my door and stretched his hand out to me. I cautiously took his large hand in my small one and felt the same tingles from before. What does this guy have one of those gag electric shockers on? 

Ryder closes my door and leads me further into the woods, never once letting go of my hand. We end up at a clearing that has a cliff and the most amazing view I have ever seen. 

"It's beautiful," I say quietly, afraid to disturb the gorgeous landscape in front of me. 

"Yeah, it is," Ryder says and when I look at him he is already looking at me with a smile on his face. Not a smirk or a shit-eating grin, but a genuine smile. I look away blushing. 

"This is where I go to feel peace, it's my secret spot, not even the twins know about it," Ryder says. 

"W-Why did you decide to bring me here?" I stutter out, now extremely self-conscious. 

"Because, angel, you deserve to find some peace here after what happened last night. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner at the party, I tried to find you after some people talked to me, but you were gone. And I'm sorry you had to see me all violent and shit, I didn't want you to see me like that, but when I opened the door and saw what I saw I wanted to kill that bastard for hurting you and I-" Ryder rambled on and with tears flowing down my face I got him to shut up by squeezing his hand. He finally looked down at me. "Oh shit angel, I didn't mean to make you cry I just feel so guilty," Ryder says to me as he uses to thumb to wipe my tears away. 

"Ryder, look at me," I say holding his chin and forcing him to look at my eyes, "none of what happened is your fault. And it's not my fault either that motherfucker is the only one at fault. I honestly was a little scared of you when you were beating the shit out of him, but it was also kind of hot," I say and then my eyes widen realizing what I just said. Ryder chuckles at my comment as my cheeks are bright red. 

I push past that embarrassing moment and continue my rant. "But seriously, Ryder if you hadn't come in and saved me," I choke up a little and Ryder rubs soothing circles on my knuckles," I don't know what would have happened, I am so grateful, you are my hero, so please do not apologize to me about last night," I finally finish and look back up at Ryder. 

His eyes hold so many emotions and I am sure mine do too. We stay silent for a few minutes just staring at each other. At one point my eyes betray me and look down at Ryder's lips, god they look so plump and perfect, I want to feel them all over my body. KAYLEIGHA GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. My cheeks are getting again red from blushing and when I look at Ryder again his eyes travel down to my lips and he slowly moves forward. I mimic his movements and in a couple of seconds, he attaches to my lips. 

The kiss started out slow and gentle. My hands found their way to Ryder's soft hair and his hands are around my waist. The kiss becomes deep and passionate within seconds and there are so many emotions put into this one kiss. There is a zoo happening in my tummy right now and the sparks I felt when he touched my hand is nothing compared to the fireworks I feel with our lips attacking each other. 

Ryder runs his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance into my mouth. I cheekily deny, Ryder growls a little and squeezes my ass, causing me to gasp, giving him the perfect opportunity to stick his tongue down my throat. Our tongues fight each other for dominance and of course, I lose. By now I have made my way to Ryder's lap and I am currently straddling him. 

I reluctantly pull away from the kiss because of the stupid need to breathe and I immediately miss his lips on mine. As I pant Ryder takes the time to kiss around my jaw and down to my neck. He suckles on the area where my neck meets my shoulder and I involuntarily let out a moan. I feel Ryder smirk on my neck and continue to suck and lick that spot. I guess that's my sweet spot. 

When he finally pulls away he looks to my neck and smirks. "Now people will know you are mine," he whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe. I am confused for a second and then I touch where he attacked my skin and feel a hickey start to form. That bastard. I look up and see him smiling again.

He takes his phone out to check the time and mutters profanities under his breath. He gives me a quick peck on the lips and stands up pulling me with him. 

"Come on, angel, it's getting late," Ryder says. We hold hands all the way to the car and he brings me to the passenger side and opens my door like a gentleman. He goes to the driver's side and starts the car. I quickly fall into a deep sleep while Ryder drives us home. 


I can't believe I actually got to kiss her. It was even better than I imagined and I know I could kiss her for the rest of my life. I would do anything for this girl and we barely know each other. God, I am so fucking whipped. 

She looks so peaceful and perfect sleeping next to me. I never thought I would want to give my heart to a single girl so early in my life. I also expected to just spend my youth as a bachelor who humps and dumps. I have always been the type of guy to get bored with a girl easily, so I have never been in a real relationship. But this fucking angel in the seat next to me has turned my life upside down and I can't imagine a future without her. Now I just need to grow some balls and ask her to be my girlfriend. I don't want any other guy looking at her with lust or touching her or thinking about her. She is mine. 

Jesus, Ryder, get ahold of yourself you sound like a possessive asshole.

I pull up in front of her house and just stare at her for a little longer before I have to wake her up. And yes I know I am a creep but she is so fucking amazing I can't stop looking at her. 

"Angel, baby, wake up you are home," I say to her gently. She squirms around a little before opening her eyes. She looks at me and smiles. Fuck me I think I just died and went to heaven. I am taken out of my thoughts with her clearing her throat. 

"Thank you for today Ryder and last night. I had an amazing time with you," she says sweetly to me. I get out and go to her side to open her door. We walk hand in hand to her door. She fumbles with her keys and finally opens her door. I don't want to leave her, but I don't want to scare her away either. 

"Bye angel," I say to her. She surprises me by kissing me and I immediately kiss back. She pulls away before we get carried away.  

"Bye Ryder," she says and then closes the door. I walk back to my car feeling like the happiest fucking person on the planet. 

I get home and get ready for bed. As I close my eyes to go to sleep I can only think about that green-eyed beauty I am going to make mine. 

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