Chapter 15

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We have been sitting in this fucking waiting room for four hours now and no one has come to update us on my angel. The receptionist has threatened to kick me out of the hospital after the tenth time I asked her for an update, so I have been just sitting in this uncomfortable chair. 

Sam fell asleep on an hour ago and her head is resting on Cole's shoulder. I can sense something is going on with them, but they haven't said anything to Leigh or me yet. 

"Family of Kayleigha," a doctor says. My head snaps up and I am immediately standing in front of him.

"Is she okay?" I practically yell at him. 

"She will be, she suffered extensive injuries. She had a very deep stab wound on her thigh that caused her to lose a lot of blood. She has several broken ribs, and honestly, it looks like she was tortured, so her mental health will probably cause her even more trauma," the doctor says with a sad look in his eye. 

"Can we see her?" I ask, my voice breaking. 

"Yes, she is still unconscious, but she should wake up soon," he says. 

I rush to her room the second he tells us the room. I open the door and tears began to flow down my cheeks as I take in the sight in front of me. My angel is lying in the hospital bed connected to a shit ton of tubes and wire. There are bandages covering her thigh and her arms. Her cheeks are sunken in, her eyes are dark and her skin is so pale. 

I walk over to her slowly and take her frail, cold hand in my own and I can't help but sob. 

"I'm so sorry angel, I love you so fucking much," I manage to say through my tears. I feel two hands on both of my shoulders and look up to see Cole and Russell looking down at me, their eyes glassy from unshed tears. Sam is holding onto Leigh's other hand and that was how we sat for hours, the only sound was our sobs and the beeping of the machines. 

I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes I check my phone and see three hours have passed. I also see a text from Russell informing me that he, Cole, and Sam left when visiting hours had ended so they left to go home and get some sleep and will return in the morning with fresh clothes for me. 

I look at my sleeping angel and beg for her to wake up so I can see her beautiful eyes again. My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. Two young nurses walk in. One of them keeps looking at me and smiling in a flirtatious manner. I scoff and return my attention to my angel.  

The other nurse walks up to us and looks at me with a sympathetic look in her eye. "Hello sir, you must be Kayleigha's husband, your friend Russell told me you would be here," she says softly. I smile at the thought that Russell informed the hospital I was Leigh's husband and I nod my head. 

"You have quite the strong wife, she is really a fighter," she says to me as she writes Leigh's vitals down. The other annoying nurse scoffed and left the room in a huff. 

"Sorry about her sir, you have caught the attention of a lot of desperate nurses here, but I can tell you really love Kayleigha and she is lucky to have you," the nice nurse says before leaving the room. 


My angel has been asleep for a week and a half. I haven't left her side. I shower in the tiny hospital bathroom and Cole, Russell, and Sam brings me the necessities. I have rarely let go of Leigh's hand and my cheeks feel like they will be permanently red from my tears. I have never cried so much in my life. 

Her bruises have started to fade from her face and arms and the doctors say she is healing very well. They tell me she should wake up any day now, it is just a matter of when she feels like she is ready. 

I just want her to open her beautiful eyes and squeeze my hand. I just want her to be okay. No, I need her to be okay. I know we have only been together for a short time, but she has made such an impact on my life, I don't even know what it was like to live without her. I have started going crazy without having her by my side. I never expected to meet someone that I feel so strongly for, people like me don't deserve to find love and happiness. I don't know how I managed to find my angel, but I never intend to let her go. She is my everything, life seems meaningless without her next to me. I know that seems crazy, but I'm crazy for her. I crave her touch, her smell, her attention like it's my drug and I am so addicted. 

I look out the window at the beautiful sunset that I so wish Leigh could see. My hand is still in hers and I start to think about all the shit she probably had to endure with that psychopath, Xavier. I'm glad Russell killed him, but part of me wishes I could have been the one to pull the trigger. 

"R-R-Ryder," A hoarse voice breaks me from my thoughts. At first, I think I'm hearing things, but when I turn to the bed, a huge smile makes its way to my face. 

"Angel, you're finally awake!"

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