Chapter 4

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"Come on Leigh, we have to go we haven't been to any before and this is our last year of high school," Sam whines in my ear as we both sit in my room doing homework. 

"Sam, you should go, you know that parties aren't really my thing and I would only drag you down if I go with you," I try to reason with Sam. Today is Thursday and Sam is trying to convince me to go to a party with her tomorrow night. I have never been to a party before and I have no desire to start going to them now. 

"Kayleigha Anne Richards we are going to that party I will kidnap you if I have to. I will never ask you to do anything else that you don't want to do for this rest of our lives if you go with me," Sam says with puppy dog eyes and begging me on her knees. I can't resist her looking at me like that.

"Fine, I'll go," I say to her and she literally squeals like a pig and starts dancing around my room and I can't help but laugh. 

School comes and goes on Friday and my nerves have been eating away at me all day. I am currently sitting on Sam's bedroom floor waiting for her to get out of the shower so we can start to get ready. 

"Ahhhhh I'm so excited Leigh, I have the perfect outfit for you and I can't wait to do your hair and makeup," Sam screams at me from her closet. She comes out in a robe with her hair in a towel and she is holding some black ripped jeans and a gold tank top. She throws them at me and goes back in her closet to get her own clothes. 

I reluctantly get up and put on the jeans and top and goddamnit I don't mean to suck my own dick or anything but I look hot in this outfit. The jeans hug my legs perfectly and my ass looks poppin' and the shirt shows the perfect amount of cleavage to not look slutty but also not look like a prude. 

Sam comes out of her closet wearing a nude colored skin tight dress that shows off her curves. She pushes me to the chair in front of her vanity and starts to curl my hair and do my makeup. When she is done I barely recognize myself and I am not complaining. For one of the first times in my life, I feel beautiful. I feel so confident in my own body and some of my nerves start to vanish as I look at myself in the mirror. 

Sam gets herself ready and we start to head out. I zone out during the ride there and by the time I get back to reality Sam is unbuckling her seatbelt and opening her door. I get out of the car, look at the house, and take a deep breath. I can already hear the music booming throughout the house. Sam comes over to me and takes my hand in hers. She leads us into the house and I can already feel the panic attack coming over me. Sam had promised not to leave my side tonight, but by the time we get to the living room packed with sweaty and horny teenagers I lost her. 

I make my way to the kitchen to get some water and calm myself down. I feel someone's intense stare at the back of my head and my ass. I turn around and my eyes lock with Ryder's beautiful blue orbs. He looks taken aback by my appearance and then he starts to walk over to me. I stand there paralyzed by how hot he looks right now. He is wearing low rise dark wash jeans and a black v-neck shirt with a leather jacket over that. His hair is perfectly messy and his muscles are evident through his clothes. 

As he gets closer to me I can smell his intoxicating cologne that I have apparently fallen in love with. As his scent reaches my nostrils I can already feel myself calm down and I honestly don't know why. He is just about to reach me when a wall blocks my view of him. I look up and see that the wall is, in fact, one of the dumb jocks from school. He is looking down and me and smirking. 

He hands me a glass of water because mine is already empty. He starts to flirt with me and after making sure the drink was actually water I gulped it down so I didn't have to talk to him. He kept putting his hands on my shoulders or my waist and I tried to get away from him because I was not interested. As I turn around a wave of dizziness overtakes me and I stumble a little until a hand snakes around my waist. I look up to see the jock smirking at me again. I try to tell him to get away from me but when I open my mouth to tell him off I can't speak. I try to move away from him but I can't move. 

He starts to drag me through the party and gets to the stairs. I try to get help but my body is not cooperating with me. I know what is going to happen to me and I can't do anything to stop it. The tears fall down my face as we get closer to a bedroom. The door to the room is opened by the jock and I try so hard to scream but I can't. The door closes and locks and I am thrown onto the bed. I close my eyes so I don't have to watch my life fall apart when I feel my the button on my jeans being undone. He rips my shirt open like its a thin slice of paper. At this time I'm sobbing and praying to anything that will listen as I can feel his disgusting hands roam my paralyzed body. It feels like sandpaper is removing all the innocence from my skin. 

I never wanted to go to high school parties because I was always afraid this would happen. I told myself I would go to this one party for Sam and I promised myself I wouldn't drink anything so I could be in total control over myself. But here I am about to lose my virginity to a guy raping me after drugging me with water. 

Just as I'm about to give up hope of being saved the doorknob jiggles. I can hear the jock cursing but continuing to touch me. He begins to unzip his own pants and I use all the strength I can muster to call out the person insistent on opening the door. I manage to scream once before being slapped across the face and having a hand cover my mouth. 

The jiggling gets faster and it sounds like someone is banging into a body. Finally, there is one last bang and the door flies off the hinges. The jock jumps off me and I manage to turn my head to see my savior. 

I'm surprised and relieved when I focus my eyes and see him standing there breathing hard with his fists clenched.


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