Chapter 5

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Russell, Cole, and I were invited to some party by that bitch Brittney and since we all love free booze we decided to go. I'm also hoping Leigh will be there, so I can actually talk to her and learn more about her. Goddammit listen to me, I'm going soft for a girl I don't even know. 

We just arrived at the party and of course, Brittney is all over us right as we walk in the door. I push her off and head to the kitchen to get a beer. I decide to just stay in there because it is less crowded and some guys came over and started to talk to us. That was when I noticed a really nice ass by the sink getting water. It is like she can feel my gaze because she turns around and looks directly at me. It takes me a moment to figure out it's Leigh and damn she looks fucking hot. Her makeup makes her beautiful green eyes stand out even more and her long hair looks so soft I just want to go over there and run my fingers through it. 

I decide to stop staring and go talk to her. She stares at me as I stare at her and move my legs towards her. It feels like when I was walking towards her at lunch the other day. Just as I'm about to reach her some asshole from the football team stands directly in my way and starts talking to her. I'm about to throw some hands but as I reach out the asshole a hand wraps around my bicep and drags me to the dance floor. By the time I am able to escape Leigh is no longer in the kitchen. My heart drops thinking of all the bad shit that could happen to her. The normal and sane part of my brain tries to tell me she is a capable woman who can take care of herself and make her own decisions but the monkey part of my brain outweighs that and I know I have to find her. 

I get Cole and Russell to help me and Cole all too eager says he will find Sam to ask her if she knows where Leigh is. Her car is still here and I don't think she would just leave it so I make the assumption that she is still here at the party. As I get to the last door I find it locked, but I here a guy's voice and no one is replying to him. As I listen to the conversation closer I can make out that it is that football asshole talking and then I hear the scream. I see red and keep trying to open the door until I finally burst through causing the hinges to break.

What I see in front of me will haunt me forever. I look at the two people in the room and see the asshole with his pants unzipped and no shirt standing over an almost naked Leigh. Her shirt is ripped open and she is laying in her bra. Her pants are unbuttoned and pushed down her legs a little. Her face causes my heart to break even further. She is sobbing, her eyes are red and puffy, her makeup is smudged and she looks like she is trying to move, but she can't. I can tell she takes a breath of relief when she sees it's me. I break out of my trance to look back at the asshole who is fumbling with his pants and putting his shirt back on. 

I start to walk towards him and he looks like he is going to piss himself. I smirk and raise my fist, connecting it with his face. I hear his nose break and I can't stop myself from punching him. He hurt my angel and he should die. I go to throw another punch when I hear sniffling. I turn around and see Leigh is still laying there. I get up and walk towards her, I pull her pants up and put my jacket on her. Her body is shaking and she is still crying. I put my hand on her cheek and tell her I am going to take care of her and protect her. Tears are threatening to spill out of my own eyes as I look down at her. I put one arm under her neck and the other under her knees. I pick her up with ease and turn to the door.

I see Cole, Russell, and Sam standing there in shock at the scene in front of them. Sam immediately runs to Leigh and starts to cry and apologize to her. It isn't until Cole comes over and puts an arm around her that she tries to control herself that I can leave the room. 

"Is she okay," Sam asks timidly.

"I don't know and I don't think she will be," I say sadly. 

"Don't worry Ry, we will take care of that asshole, you take care of Leigh," Russell says to me. I nod and continue to walk outside. Nobody even noticed I was carrying a half-naked girl through the party and that made my blood boil. Nobody took notice to anything and maybe if they did Leigh wouldn't be shaking right now. 

I get to my car and carefully put Leigh in the passenger seat, she is still crying, but she isn't shaking as much and she seems to be able to move a little. I turn to close the door when I feel her small arm on my arm. I turn to her and she whispers "thank you." 

I kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear, "I won't let anything else bad happen to you angel." With that, she closes her eyes and smiles a little. I close her door softly and go to the driver's side. I take one last look at her before turning to the road and driving to my house. 

I park in my driveway and carefully pick Leigh up and bring her to my room, she is still sleeping and her breathing has finally calmed down and balanced out. I put her on my bed and take a shirt from my closet and put it on her. I tuck her in after taking her shoes off and I kiss her forehead. 

I stay watching her for a half hour before drowsiness washes over me. I take my pillow and blanket and fall asleep on the couch. 

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