The Best Birthday

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A/N: I'm craving chocolate chip cookies after writing this. And I don't have any at the moment. :(
Disclaimer: I don't own the pjo fandom, it belongs to Rick Riordan, nor do I own the fan art
Warning: Slight suggestive content

Thalia's POV:
I woke up to someone cursing in Latin, and turned over onto my side, seeing the bed empty. This meant that Reyna was downstairs, and from what I could figure out, she was fighting a losing battle with the eggbeater??? Oh well, I've seen worse. Throwing a hoodie over the thin shirt I slept in, I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs to find Reyna covered head to toe in cake batter, while the rest of the kitchen didn't look much better.

"Uh, Reyna, what's going on?" I began

She turned around, startled to see me there.

"I wanted to bake you a cake before you woke up for your birthday, but it didn't go as smooth as I thought it would. Sorry."

Oh. I had totally forgotten it was my birthday today. Well, I was a tree for a few years, so it wasn't really my fault. I looked at Reyna, who looked adorably sheepish and upset, went up to her, and wound my arms around her waist.

"Darling, you didn't have to, it's perfectly fine the way it is. Besides, I think you look extremely sexy with cake batter all over you."

She laughed, and before I knew what was happening, a huge blob of batter came flying towards me. It hit me square in the face, and I groaned. Who knew cake batter could hurt so much???

Reyna, on the other hand, was doubled over, wheezing with laughter. I slowly snuck behind her, and dumped a huge bowl of flour over her. I then quickly ran to the sink before she could get up, and threw a jug of water on her head. To top it off, I sprinkled some cherries onto my masterpiece and taste tested it.

"Mmhh, not bad. But could use some more sugar." I commented.

Reyna looked livid and quickly ran over to continue our battle. This went on for another hour, until we both resembled the abominable snowman.

"That was fun. But still, I'm sorry that I couldn't bake you a birthday cake." Reyna said.

"Who said we're not baking me a cake? You see, unlike you, I actually know how to bake. I used to bake for Jason all the time when we were little." I said.

Reyna looked surprised that I, Thalia Grace, mistress of all clothing black and punk, knew how to bake birthday cakes. Smiling, I cupped her beautiful face in one hand, and wound the other around her waist, bringing us closer. She smirked, knowing what I was doing, and responded eagerly to the kiss. We broke apart after a few minutes, both gasping for breath. I held out my hand and helped her stand up. We spent the next hour or so baking the cake. Well, I spent that time baking the cake, Reyna was mostly getting batter all over the place, but since she looked so cute, I decided not to mention it.

While waiting for our lump of dough to actually resemble a cake in the oven, Reyna and I responsibly spent that time cleaning up the kitchen and ourselves (and kissing, but who cared? It wasn't like anyone was reading her thoughts). They finally heard the "ding!" of the oven, signalling the cake was ready. Reyna eagerly took out the cake and proceeded to ice it without me, insisting that it was "top secret". When she finally finished, I looked at the cake and smile fondly.

"Happy Birthday to Pinecone Face!" she read out.

I grinned at and we sat down on the kitchen floor, deciding to just eat it there. After stuffing ourselves with gods-know-how-many calories, we looked into each others' eyes.

"I had so much fun today." I said

"Really? Are you sure, I mean, I didn't take you out anywhere fancy and the cake-"

"It was the best birthday I've ever had."

Smiling, we made out on the floor for the rest of the morning.

A/N: Wow! 2 chapters in a day! Please comment below and give me any suggestions on what to fix!!! :) I'm working on a new chapter rn, so I'll have it updated quickly.

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