Heat gradually cascades my body. I part my lips for him to taste me while I taste him. Silk sheets brush against my skin as I arch and position myself for his taking. Gentle fingers trace along my waist and press into the sides of my stomach.

I release his soft locks and explore the broadness of his shoulders to his taut biceps. Shivers break through my resolve when his yearning touch searches higher, teasing the vulnerable curves beneath my shirt. Warm palms roam over my small breasts in the softest manner.

The very essence of my existence burns and aches for his. His very touch is my undoing.

Man-soo leans into me and I don't hesitate to wrap my legs around his slim waist. He lifts my shirt over my head in desperation and I remove his as well. His physique, a pale canvas untouched by my bronze one, grazes along my yearning curves as he closes the space between us.

With butterfly kisses dusted along the arch of my neck, his eager hands sneak to the waist of my shorts. Sighs escape my throat and I cradle him into me. An innocent extension of my hips allows me to feel his arousal brush against my inner thigh. I grin and nibble on his earlobe as he travels lower. This is the side of Man-soo I've always longed for. The side of him that can capture his desires. Unapologetic with his yearning. His kisses brush along my collar. Tender fingertips ease my shorts down my legs and he tosses them to the floor. I follow suit, unbuttoning his jeans and easing them down.

Man-soo glances up at me, capturing my eyes in his darkness, as he lowers just enough to leave his reddish lips hovering above my breasts. With a slight dip of his head, his dangerous mouth is wrapped around their aroused perks and he takes his time flicking his tongue over them.

My moans escape and drift across the lust-stained air. I arch ever closer, skin dying to connect with his. His arousal is pressed against my thigh and I rub my hands along it above his boxer briefs.

"Pepper," he groans and lifts his gaze. Those pools of darkness meet mine as I tease him above the soft fabric. I answer his groans of need with a smile and sigh as he rests his forehead in the crook of my neck. "You're going to kill me," he whispers.

I shift his briefs down and drift my fingertips along his firm outline. "You've already killed me a thousand times," I murmur.

I'm well aware that gentle touches are his weakness. They lure him straight to the edge. It's impossible for him to restrain himself when I touch and tease him like so. I stroke him within my clammy palm, relishing in his hot and thick desire. He groans lower in his chest and stiffens beneath my touch.

"I hate when you do this to me." He nibbles the skin of my neck before demanding, "Stop teasing me." Gentle love bites are scattered down my body, leaving trails of fire along my breasts and down my stomach. Every touch ignites a fire in my core that is dying to be released and satisfied.

As he explores my lower body, I can no longer please him in my loving hands, but he can reach me just as he desires. He kisses above my pelvis and drifts his fingers along the heat melting between my thighs. I shiver and gasp when he teases my slick petals and the softness of my pearl between his fingers. The corner of his mouth arches from my verbal show of bliss before he leans in to taste me.

The most pleasurable tingling sensations rake through my body. "M-Man-soo," I exclaim breathily and drag my fingers through his hair. Two fingers tease the pool of need along my slit before he eases them inside me. I drag my bottom lip between my teeth and tighten my fingers as no amount of vocalization can capture this ecstasy. As his tongue traces along my aroused bud and he strokes his fingers steadily between my thighs, my toes curl as the pressures of pleasure dance in my lower stomach and burn in my core.

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