Jade: if you want to give up that's also an option! I really don't want to hit you anymore! It's like fighting a brick wall, it's starting to hurt my wrist!

He sees glowing yellow from inside the dust cloud and realized he's fucked up.

Jade: actually! Can we talk about this!

Yang yells and fire erupted from her as he's fully charged her semblance.

Yang: get over here bug boy!

Jade: spiders are arachnids!

She used her gauntlets to launch herself at him. She catches him as he was surprised at her movements and stumbled.

She hits him with three hits all of them explosive as hell ending it with an uppercut. Yang shoots two grenades at him and both connect exploding on impact.

He hits the ground and slides off the arena but his hand barely caught the edge keeping him in.

Yang: damn it!

Her semblance was basically out of juice. Those hits he took also took a bit of aura from him.

He crawled back onto the area panting as Yang falls to her knees.

Yang: why are you so tough!

Jade: I could say the same to you!

They both get up and with her tired state, she knew she wasn't winning.

Jade: let's end our little red dragon dance!

Yang: that's a good team attack!

Jade: you're right!

He shakes his head and runs at Yang.

She throws a punch but it was deflected. He kicks out her leg putting her to one knee.

He slightly moved back and used her knee as a stepping stool. He jumps into the air off of it kicking her in the chin while doing so. She falls onto her back and Jade shoots two webs to the opposite sides of her. He pulls with most of his strength and comes flying at Yang.

He comes down like a rocket and landed on Yang cratering her into the ground putting her aura basically next to nothing.

He front flipped off of her and waved to the crowd.

Port: and with the spectacular attack from the spectacular Spider-Man, the match is over!

Jade turns around and went to help Yang up.

Jade: you okay? I should've done something-

Yang cocked back her fist and Jade was too surprised to react as she lets a full power fist fly hitting him in the leg.

He had deactivated his aura early before to let it start to come back.

It connected with his leg, breaking it in that moment. Yang stood up and hit him directly in the jaw knocking him out as well.

The crowd yells out in horror while the cameras automatically cut off. security and Spider-Girl, aka Ruby, run onto the field.

Ruby webs Yang's hands together as she looks confused.

Yang: wait!

Ruby punches her in the jaw knocking her out.

Ruby: what the hell!

Mina: his legs broken...

Ruby: why would she do this!

Security surrounds Yang.

Lily: can you hear me?

Ruby: what?! Lily?!

Lily: calm down. I'm just patching into your audio systems. Take him back home. His suit should have locked up his leg so just don't let it bump into anything. I'll walk you through what you need to do.

Ruby picks up Jade and his suit activated his one time use cloaking tech. Ruby becomes invisible and began leaving the arena.

Lily: can't believe Yang would really two piece Jade like that!

Ruby: I don't know what happened... when I said break a leg I didn't mean literal legs!


Ruby had just finished fixing Jade up with the assistance of a holographic Lily.

Ruby: when could you do this?

Lily: I really have to be careful because I see everything here but not what I'm actually close too. But, he should be waking up about now.

Jade sits up and holds his jaw.

Jade: the fuck!

He looked over and seen Lily staring at him. 

Jade: uh...

Lily: you know you are not allowed to curse when I'm around. 

Jade: I didn't know that you could be a hologram! let get this one! My jaw feels like it's about to fall off!

Lily: fine. Nice countermeasures by the way. 

Jade: thanks. 

Lily: also, take those pain killers before the pain kicks in. 

Jade: what? Oh yeah! I got messed up by Yang! gimmie them drugs.

Lily rolls her eyes as Jade took two painkillers and drank some water. 

Lily: I've set it up for you two to still be in the festival. Ruby, you'll be taking his spot. Yang is out and currently trapped in her dorm room. She would be killed in a riot if people found out where she was. People are angry and it's not helping the Grimm. A few Grimm have already gotten close to the border. I'm coming back to Vale, it might take a while since I'm going by plane.

Jade: I can't wait to see you again! 

He looked down to see his leg in a brace.

Jade: what's this?

Ruby: she wants you to heal as fast as you can. 

Lily: no moving for the rest of the night! it'll take six hours for that to heal if you don't move. So unless something dire happens, Pyrrha will be taking care of you. Wait, her match is happening later... Penny 2.0 will be taking care of you.

Penny 2.0 popped out from behind the couch scaring Jade.

Penny: Jade! I will be taking care of you for the next few hours!  

Jade: were you right there the whole time!

Lily: one more thing. Mina is offline.

Jade: what?

Lily: she's offline for like two hours. She's updating. I'm sure nothing bad will happen in that time frame. the next match starts in an hour. So we don't have to worry for a bit. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way back to Vale. See you in like four hours.

Jade and Ruby wave to Lily as she turned around and instantly bummed into to something. It hit her right in the hip.


The hologram disappears.  

Jade: well, I put all the countermeasures on Mina so I hope that she comes back online before anything can happen... damn it, jinxed it...

End of chapter 10 volume 3

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