Secret relationship-J.P

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"Ok I'll see you in a bit love you" I said as I finished hanging up 

I tied my shoes and told my mom I'm heading out

"Where are you going honey"

"Oh I'm going with Joel we're gonna go hangout with some friends"

"You know I really hope you and Joel get together. Honey he's a great guy."

"Yes mom i know but were just friends. He's like you know a brother and I'm like a sister to him."

"I know we'll have fun and tell him when he's gonna come by soon."

"Alright bye mom."

Right he's just a friend and I only see him as a brother. If only she knew.

I walked towards the park which was where he was going to pick me up. I saw his car and a smile formed in my face.

"Hey Princess" he smiles

I open the door and give him a small peck

"So where are you taking me today"

"Well I was hoping you'd like to go eat and just hangout in the park next town"

"Great I'm starving"

"When aren't you"

"Drive Joel"


"You know what my mom told me"

"What" he grabbed my hand while his other hand was on the wheel.

"She said you're a great guy and hopes that eventually you ask me out." I look at him "so when are you gonna ask me out"

"Look i love you but I don't see us in the future in a relationship"

"Hardy har har" I glare at him "very funny"

"I'm kidding" he chuckles "you know you're mine and only mine"

"Well I mean i guess" I shrug

He stops the car and gets off. He runs to my side and opens my door.

"What a gentleman."

"I try." He hugs me and we walk towards the dinner. He finds a table and we sit down.

"Hello I'm Cassy and I'm going to be your waitress today are you guys ready to order.

I nod

"I'll have the double burger with jalapeños and ring onions oh and a soda. And she'll have a burger with some jalapeños, large fries and could you put cheese on just half please."

"Yes would that be all."


"Alright your food will be done shortly"

She walked away and I stared at Joel.

"Yes i know your order. But I wanted some fries to you know."

"No I was going to say how does that all fit in you and you still look good."

"Baby you know I look good no mater what."

"Yeah yeah."

Cassy came back with our foods and god did I really dig in. Joel would casually get some of my Well his fries since he ate most of them and I would drink his soda since he didn't order me one.

"Alright I am full."

"Well yeah you ate like half of my food too."

"I know I'm still hungry"

"You just said you're full idiot."

"Princess I'm a man"

"Ahh right how could I possibly forget"

"That sounded a little sarcastic. I'm hurt Nora" he pouted and god did he look adorable

" I'm sorry baby would you like a kiss" He nods

I kiss him.

"I think I'm still a little hurt."

"Baby" I laugh and he kisses me

"I knew it" we heard someone say from behind

We broke apart and I looked at him. He looked at me and then behind me. I turned around and there stood Chris and Zabdiel.

"Te dije man. There together." Chris told Zabdiel

I looked at Joel and then I asked him what we should do.

"Princess it's alright I trust these guys.and we should just tell them since you know they saw."

"So how long I want to know." Chris asked

"Yo digo que ya son 3 meses." Zabdiel said

"Nah maybe an year or more" Chris replied

"Wow me duele aqui" they point to there heart " I thought I was your buddy Nora.

I look at them. " I'm sorry. It's just that we wanted to keep it a secret because you know the press and all that"

"Nah i get it Nora but you could have told us."

" I know. I'm sorry."

"Guys it was my idea to keep it a secret. Not that I don't trust you guys or anything but I wanted this to be low key as possible."

"So does anybody know"

"Well besides the fact that you guys just found out nope."

"Alright we'll keep our mouths close but-"

"There's always a but" I mumbled

Chris chuckled "but you guys have to buy me food.

I pouted "but you eat a lot."

"I know"

"Well" I look at Joel "sucks to be you, your with him like 24/7"

"Oh no Princess were in it together."

"Is it to late to break up with you ."

"Oh yeah too late"

"Aww I should have token the opportunity 6 months ago."

"6 months. Is that how long you guys have been dating."

I nod and Joel hugs me from behind. He places his chin on my head

"See we kinda noticed you guys liked each other when we'd hang out but never would have thought you guys were like dating dating"

"Really like you could tell."

"Yeah why do you think you'd guys would be left alone all of a sudden."

"Well I thought it was because you guys got bored of Joel"

He tickles me

"I'm kidding" I laughed

"Wow were obvious obvious" I looked at him

"Well it's kinda hard to pretend I'm just friends with my baby."

"Alright we get you guys are together. But like take your couple things somewhere else. You're making us feel another level of single."

I giggled

"Alright well we'll leave your single asses all alone bye" Joel replies and then they did there hand shake

"So i guess we don't have to pretend to be friends when where with the boys."

"Guess not"

We got in his car and he gave me the longest kiss ever. "You know maybe we should have told them"

"I told you that."

"Hmm maybe I should listen to you"

"Maybe" I frowned

" I'm kidding Princess. Park."

I nod

I hope you like it. It's a little short but I hope it's somewhat similar to what you had in mind.

la banda & CNCO imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora