the embarassing award goes to.... -E.B.C

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I woke up b/c someone wouldn't stop bothering me

"Leave me alone" I mumbled

Whoever the person was kept on poking me

I whined

"Princesa" I heard his Cuban voice whisper in my ear "levantate"

"5 more minutes" I said well more like mumbled and I'm pretty sure it sounded like 'mive  wore winus '

"like now fea" some yelled

Hey I know who said that

"I'm up jheeze you don't have to be such a jerkel"

Saw what I did there I combined jerk and Joel knee slapper

I took a quick shower b/c fuck I looked like I barely woke up oh wait I actually did but you get the point right

"Joel te  puedes ir well catch you later"

"Alright no funny business"

I checked the time and it was 7:45 what the actual fuck why did he wake me up so early


"Yeah" he asked confused

"why did you wake me up so early I could literally be in bed dreaming about my boyfriend"

"I know you could be dreaming about me princesa I know pero I just wanted to wake you up plus were going to the pool at Chris' house hurry"

Kill me kill me know

"Well if I did I'd probably be dead cuz the guys would kill me"

Dang it I said that out loud damn why can't I just wait what

"So if you had the chance to kill me you would"

"And why would I do that princesa"

"Exactly why would you do that"

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV Erick me trajo un plato with 3 pancakes aww he knows me so well :')

"Y/n" he whispered

"Yeah I mumbled

" I love you"

"I know" I smile "and I love you too"

"I mean que te quiero"

"que" I look at him"You're serious"

"And why wouldn't I "

"I-idk" I stuttered

He's serious omg he's not lying he loves me hakjdbhsks don't just stare say some anything

" umm pumpkin"

Nice going me woah high 5 you deserve the 'most embarrassing moment ever' award and this award goes toooo... Y/n

"What" he laughed

"Stop laughing erick" I glared

"See that's why I like you"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but blush

"Yo tambien te quiero cubano"

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