kill me p.2 -J.P

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We went back to where the guys were at

"Ohhh look who decided to come out"Johann smirked

"Oh look Yoandri was right they were probably having a make out session" Chris teased

"YOANDRI CABRERA"I managed to say

"I think my moms calling me hold up" he got up to answer the "suppose" phone call

"OMGGG she didn't deny it" Emma yelled

"Emma your suppose to be supporting your friend" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah ik but this is different love" she winked at me

"Ughh"I let out a sigh

"Since these so called 'innocent' guys came back from their 'almost' but not yet make out session let's continue playing" Chris said put quotation marks with his finger out the words almost and innocent

"Yes" they all said in unison

"Go y/n" Emma said eagerly

"Yoandri hurry up tell your 'mom' your busy" I sorta yelled

"Oh yeah ugh hold up... Ok I'm here"

"Yoandri truth or dare"I smirked

"Truth"he winked

"You little pussy"yelled Johann

"Hmm is it truth you have or had a crush on Emma" I smirked

As a matter of fact he did and he still does

"Ughhh dare" Yoandri said with a smile

"Ok fine I dare you to answer the question"

"Y/n"he whined

I still had the smirk on my face

"Ok yes yes I did as a mater of fact I still do"

I saw Emma's face and boi did she look happy o could even say she wanted to die of happiness bit maybe I'm just exaggerating

After that confession they all decided to go home except Joel he decided to stay a little longer

"Alright alright I'd say that was cute but I've seen better"JOEL shrugged

"It was last minute you idiot"

We were I wouldn't say arguing but we were saying our opinions about Yoandri asking Emma out yeah I agree it wasn't that great but come on it was last minute plus he told me he was going to ask her our properly again so it's good

"Yeah that's true"

"Hugh"I asked confused

"About how he's going to ask her out again"

"I said that out loud"

"Yeah I only heard that"

"Ya se fueron todos" my mom yelled from the kitchen I'm assuming

"Si mom except for Joel"

"Quiero hablar con mi yerno" (I think that's what it's called si no oh 🐳)


"Que I mean you guys did just have-"

"No mom no we didn't" I interrupted her

"Sure" was all she said

"I didn't mean to hear su chisme" I heard someone say behind me "pero did I just hear yerno and something about you guys doing something"

holy fuck I new that deep voice from anywhere


"No apa"

"No de el yerno part or no del you guys doing something"

"Las dos pa' I swear"

"Esta bien"

Joel laughed and I noticed my dad giving him the death stare

"I'll be in my room"I walked away

Damnn someone kill me this is so weird

"I was wondering-"

"OMG" I sorta yelled


"You scared me güey"

"I'm sorry princess"

"Its kool so you were wondering"

"Oh yeah how about we go to the beach"

"Joel its 8 something"




"No this is really pretty"

"I get it y/n"

"I'm annoying aren't I"

"A little"

"What the whatever" i crossed my arms across my chest

"I'm kidding baby"

I ignored him

"Y/n... Princess"


"Fine then be like that"


10 min later

"I can't stand this I'm sorry"

Now that I think about that was really dumb it wasn't for me to be mad


I looked at him

He moved closer to me

"I love you"and he kissed me

Ik ik how gay lmao jk but yeah I g t it how a lame ending I blame my imagination I couldn't think of anything 😂

Well I hope y'all like it ;)

la banda & CNCO imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ