reverse date Z.D.J

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The title doesn't make sense but it just came to my head (shrugs)

"Zabdiel hurry" I said

"Wait shouldn't it be the other way around were I say hurry to you"he stated

"Well yeah but today is different I guess"


"So are you done now"


He walked out of the bathroom. He's wearing a black shirt with some white ripped jeans I would be lying if I said he didn't look hot because damn daddy (;

"Take a picture it'll last longer" he teased

"Whatever come on let's go" I grabbed his hand d walked to the car

You may be wondering where is she taking him well I'm going to kidnap him and then murder him ...nah jk

I was wondering 'hey why don't I ask him on a date for a change'and guess what I did I asked him on a date the only problem was I didn't think it through because I have no idea as to where to take him so I asked him and he said yes I got to agree it was really worried but he said yes

"So where exactly are we going" he asked

"That is for me to know and for you to find out"I smirked

Man I always wanted to say that

"Aww come on maybe just a little hint" he whined

"Sorry sir but you just gotta wait and see"

"Well that's so not fair"he mumbled

"Hey that's what I say when you don't want to tell me where we're going"

"It's this como tipo payback" he asked

"Idk unless you wanna see it like that then sure"

Now you still may be wondering wether exactly is she taking this humble human being

Well no I'm not going to murder him already not yet...jk

Well I'll tell you I'm taking him to have a picnic at the place where he asked me out

Simple huh I know

But it was so last minute can you actually believe I asked him on a date but I didn't even know whet exactly I was going to take him

Stupid me right

So when he asked me where I was going to take him I told him it was a surprise and the place where he asked me out came to my mind

I texted the guys to ask them if they could help me and they did ahh I'm so lucky

So now you may be wondering so whet did he asked you out right well let me tell you

Once upon a time ... Nah jk

He asked me out at a park near the lake while we were going on a night stroll after having dinner at his house

Romantic huh

"This place seems so familiar"

"It should be" I smiled

I stopped the car and we got out

"Hmm I swear this place looks so oddly familiar" he teased

"Ohh idk maybe este fue el lugar en donde 2 personas se hicieron novios"

"Hmm alo mejor"he pulled me into a hug and then we walked to the picnic table

"una picnic" he raised his eyebrow

I stated to panic

"Well I'm pues fue todo so last minute you pues esto fur lo primero que entro en mi mente y ya se que no es asi tipo nice date"

I took a deep breathe and exhaled

"Y perdon si no te gusto y god I should of thought of something else ..." I kept on rambling until I was cut off with a kiss

"A mi si me encanto"he smiled


"Pues claro que si es simple si pero romantico" he winked

"Pero you seemed really surprised"

"Well yeah pero porque me encanto"

"Pues como ustedes guys lo dicen
Well it's the least I for a handsome man" I laughed and he chuckled

"Sabes que"


"You should ask me out more often"


"Te amo"

"Yo tambien te amo"

Afgfgfgggg cuteee right

I finally updated wooooooo party at my place at 9 friends of friends are invited

Jkkk love chu guys

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