skate boarding- C.V

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"But what if I fall" I whined

"You won't" Chris reassured me for the ninth time

You see Chris thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to skate

So here I am standing near the skate board

He showed me for the hundredth time how to ride it and what feet should do what

I put my right foot near the back of the skate board and used my leg to give me a push. I started off really slow because it's my first time. I've seen people skate boarding but I never tried it.Well until now

"Good"he smile "you're doing very good princess just try to pick up your speed"

I did as I was told only to make the skate board go forward lucky for me I didn't fall

I guess Chris thought it was funny because he decided to laugh

I crossed my arms in front of my chest

"That is not funny"

"You're right princess it hilarious" and he continued to laugh

I scoffed and kicked a pebble that was on the ground

"I give up"

"I'm sorry princess" he stopped laughing at me although he still had a smile plastered on his face

"Dont give up baby nobody learns it on their first try"

I nodded and decided to try again

After what seemed like the thousandth time I finally did it right the only problem now was trying to turn

Chris told me he'll show me how to so turns and maybe even se tricks

I'll be honest with you I think I'll probably learn how to turn but yeah I doubt I'll be able to do any tricks

"Since you know how to skate board now wanna race"

"Umm sure"

"Alright so if I win I get a kiss"

"And if I win"

"I'll do whatever you want"

"Ok you're on"

And guess who won

I did well only because Chris fell I felt bad and I was gonna help him but then I remembered it was a race so I went past him

But I only won by a little bit because he was right behind me literally

I still gave him a kiss but only because he fell so I guess it was a win-win situation

He hugged me and then we skated off into the sunset

Nah jk we skated back home

A Christopher one because why not anyway hope you like it

-Love C.P

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